Re: Eure Lieblingszeilen

#2558371  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 29.01.2006

Beiträge: 16,110

„Cigarettes and chocolate milk, these are just a couple of my cravings.
Everything it seems I like’s a little bit stronger, a little bit thicker, a little bit harmful for me.
If I should buy jellybeans, have to eat them all in just one sitting.
Everything it seems I like’s a little bit sweeter, a little bit fatter, a little bit harmful for me.

And then there‘ s those other things which for several reasons we won‘ t mention.
Everything about them is a little bit stranger, a little bit harder, a little bit deadly.

It isn’t very smart tends to make one part so brokenhearted.“

(Rufus Wainwright- Cigarettes And Chocolate Milk)
