Re: Eure Lieblingszeilen

#2558251  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 01.01.1970

Beiträge: 0

ein paar demetri martin-zitate:

„i like frisbees. a frisbee is the only object you can throw at a stranger and hit him, and it’s ok.“

„i keep a lighter in my backpocket all the time. i’m not a smoker, i just really like certain songs.“

„i wanna make a jigsaw-puzzle that’s 40000 pieces and when you finish it, it says „go outside“.“

„one of my friends is a stutterer and a lot of people think that’s a bad thing, but for me, that’s just like starting certain words with a drumroll. that’s not an impediment, that’s suspense. what’s he gonna say, „car“ or „carnival“?…“carborator“?

sort of is such a harmless thing to say…sort of. it’s just a filler…sort of. it doesn’t mean anything, but after certain things, sort of means everything. like after i love you or you’re going to live.“
