Antwort auf: Rufus Wainwright – Poses

#2535047  | PERMALINK

Silver Stallion

Registriert seit: 24.07.2006

Beiträge: 7,145

Cigarettes And Chocolate Milk ****1/2
Greek Song ****
Poses ****
Shadows ***1/2
California ****
The Tower of Learning ***1/2
Grey Gardens ***1/2
Rebel Prince ****
The Consort ***1/2
One Man Guy ****
Evil Angel ****
In a Graveyard ****
Cigarettes And Chocolate Milk (Reprise) ****

Gesamtwertung: ****


"Bird is not dead; he's hiding out somewhere, and will be back with some new shit that'll scare everybody to death." (Charles Mingus)