Antwort auf: Gram Parsons – GP

#2410785  | PERMALINK

Silver Stallion

Registriert seit: 24.07.2006

Beiträge: 6,896

Still Feeling Blue ****
We’ll Sweep Out the Ashes in the Morning ****
A Song for You *****
Streets of Baltimore ***1/2
She *****
That’s All It Took ****
The New Soft Shoe *****
Kiss the Children ****
Cry One More Time ***
How Much I’ve Lied ****
Big Mouth Blues ***1/2

Gesamtwertung: ****1/2 (auch wenn’s statistisch nicht ganz hinkommt)


"Bird is not dead; he's hiding out somewhere, and will be back with some new shit that'll scare everybody to death." (Charles Mingus)