Re: Belle & Sebastian – Dear Catastrophe Waitress

#2384709  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 07.01.2003

Beiträge: 14,707

1. Step into my office , baby ****
2. Dear catastrophe waitress ****1/2
3. If she wants me ****
4. Piazza , New York catcher ****1/2
5. Asleep on a sunbeam ****
6. I’m a cuckoo ****1/2
7. You don’t send me ****
8. Wrapped up in books *****
9. Lord Anthony ****
10. If you find yourself caught in love *****
11. Roy Walker ****
12. Stay loose ****

Dzurchschnitt; 4,29

Ich runde ab auf runde ****


Lately I've been seeing things / They look like they float at the back of my head room[/B] [/SIZE][/FONT]