Antwort auf: The Smiths

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trouble loves me

Registriert seit: 17.09.2003

Beiträge: 6,830

Mojo, Oktober 2007Also stirring up the band’s meteoric but brief lifetime are indications that a 4-CD box set of rarities and remastered albums may at least be appearing. Rumoured since 2001, and reputedly held up by in-band disagreement, the box set has now been approved by Morrissey and Marr.

„There isn’t really that much unreleased music“, Marr told Mojo, „but there’s good versions of songs, of golden oldies, stripped down original takes before lots of overdubs went on-just the three of us putting down the take and the vocal and that’s it. Those things sound really, really good. And there’s a lot of great live stuff‘ cos we were a phenomenal live band“.

A source from Warner said that, contrary to popular belief, the label is keen to see the remastered albums available again and that plans also include releasing 2-CD editions of The Smiths‘ albums and all of their singles on vinyl, in 7- and 12-inch formats.

Da ich bei weitem nicht alle Vinyl-Releases (vor allem wenig 12″s) besitze, wäre das ein Fest!


My favourite 45s and LPs of all time.