Antwort auf: The Smiths

#2033801  | PERMALINK

trouble loves me

Registriert seit: 17.09.2003

Beiträge: 6,830 sagt folgendes zu Cemetry Gates:

A twisting paradoxical story of literary plagiarism unfolds into one of Morrissey’s largest ever borrowings : the „All those people …. I want to cry“ section is ripped wholesale from the film „The Man Who Came To Dinner“, which is also the source of Morrissey alias Sheridan Whitehead.
The words Morrissey has heard said a hundred times (maybe less, maybe more) come from Shakespeare’s Richard III. Morrissey paradoxically both caustically dismisses Wilde („weird lover Wilde“) and champions him above Keats and Yeats, generally conservatively considered to be the more „important“ poets.
This song echoes Morrissey’s memories of visiting Southern Cemetery in Manchester with his greatest friend, Linder Sterling. This cemetry, by the way is absolutely huge. His mention of a „dreaded sunny day“ is surely a tongue-in-cheek lyrical landmine for those who accuse him of being miserable all the time.
The mis-spelling of „cemetery“ is a MozMistake, as opposed to any dire pun on the word „try“, thank god.


My favourite 45s and LPs of all time.