Antwort auf: The Smiths

#2033551  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 01.01.1970

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Die Mai-Ausgabe des Q-Mags listet „50 Bands that changed the world“. Auf Platz 13 die Smiths mit folgendem Kommentar:


The Band that launched a thousand quiffs

Steven Morrissey was the staunchly vegetarian, Oscar Wilde-obsessed president of the UK New York Dolls fan club. Johnny Marr was the guitar nerd and ´60s girl-group aficionado. Together they formed the axis of the most passionately regarded group of the ´80s – so much that in 1987 an armed man broke into a Denver radio station and demanded the DJ play only Smiths songs at gunpoint.

BEFORE: Pop music is glitzy and spangly. A million disenchanted teenagers weep in bedrooms.

AFTER: A renaissance in British guitar music. A million disenchanted teenagers weep in bedrooms listening to The Smiths.

BUY: The Queen Is Dead
