Re: Morrissey

#1853081  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 12.07.2006

Beiträge: 12,381

Boz after the Denver show – false rumors of Alain returning to band

… even talked to Boz, about the Alain rumors of coming back for the LA shows.. which he said was FALSE and he was upset about the whole LIE that is going around on the net,and that he emailed that publication and wanted a retraction…but he said that he just talked to Alain recently,and that Alain recorded with them (the band) about a WEEK ago… and Moz and Alain are on GOOD TERMS. It was Alain’s decision NOT to come on this TOUR with Moz and the guys this time around… but the offer was there…

So there goes the rumors that Alain and Moz are on the OUTS! NOT TRUE!!
Thanks for clearing that up BOZ! You are always such a gentleman everytime we meet!
He also said that Gary & Family are doing well.. with the newest addition, his 2nd Baby girl.

vom morrissey-solo mainboard

Wie bereits erahnt. Whyte weiterhin Songschreiber + Studiosidekick; Day wurde Vater u. pausiert scheinbar. Definitiv ein Relase in der pipeline (mit Whyte).


"And everything I know is what I need to know and everything I do's been done before."