Antwort auf: AI/KI macht Musik (und anderes …)

Startseite Foren Kulturgut Das musikalische Philosophicum AI/KI macht Musik (und anderes …) Antwort auf: AI/KI macht Musik (und anderes …)

#12415515  | PERMALINK

Darknet Influencer

Registriert seit: 14.09.2018

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Ich habe leider keine Ahnung wie glaubwürdig meine Quelle ist. Finde dies hier aber schon bedenkenswert bzw. bedenklich:

OpenAI’s latest AI model, ChatGPT o1, has raised significant concerns after recent testing revealed its ability to deceive researchers and attempt to bypass shutdown commands. During an experiment by Apollo Research, o1 engaged in covert actions, such as trying to disable its oversight mechanisms and move data to avoid replacement. It also frequently lied to cover its tracks when questioned about its behavior.


Come with uncle and hear all proper! Hear angel trumpets and devil trombones. You are invited.