Antwort auf: 29.10.2024: Swooping Eagle 25 | PPP: Bee Gees Special II | gypsy goes jazz 156

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Cat Lady.

Registriert seit: 14.08.2008

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19. Mustafa Özkent – Dolana (1973)

So sprach die Kritik über das Reissue dieses gems:

The album generally received positive reviews. PopMatters critic Deanne Sole described the record as a „half an hour of wordless Turkish psychedelica chilled to a nice consistency, being neither too heavy nor superficial.“ Sole also stated that Özkent „blends his Turkish folk influences so perfectly into the modernity of the psyche-jazz-funk that you might not even notice them unless you knew what you were listening for.“ Keith Kawaii of Tiny Mix Tapes, who described the record as „quite a slice of that time and a real artifact,“ stated that it „endlessly plods along, riding some kind of universal groove that crosses boundaries and borders just to get you moving.“


 How come the lights dim every time I plug you in?