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#12390283  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 18.01.2003

Beiträge: 13,381

Kula Shaker – Peasants, Pigs and Astronauts (1999)
Laura Marling – Patterns in Repeat (2024)
Razorlight – Planet Nowhere (2024)
The Cleaners from Venus – Lilli Bolero (2024)
FINNEAS – For Cryin’ Out Loud! (2024) [4x]

Mir ist eingefallen, an wen mich Finneas noch am ehesten erinnert: an Remy Shand (und ein bisschen an Prince – ohne das Extravagante); warum gibt’s eigentlich nur ein Album von ihm? 20 Jahre nicht an ihn gedacht, aber das Album The Way I Feel mochte ich ganz gerne.

Falls jemand sich ähnliche Fragen gestellt haben sollte; von Reddit:

Bradl3ro • 2mo ago •

My best buddy is friends with Remy Shand – not a word of a lie…. He lives in Burlington Ontario Canada now and works at a local resurant as a waiter atm.

But since you asked here is the actual reason he just…. vanished after „The Way I Feel.“ He said that at that level the music industry is „really fucked up.“ He was 25 at the time of the album releasing and he did not like the constant partying after shows (he toured with Sheryl Crow at one point), and just general craziness of touring/fame. He said if he had been a bit younger maybe he would have been into the idea more, but it just wasnt for him. So just as fast as he started, he pulled out. He still makes music and sometimes releases things here and there but just didnt want the professional level partying/fame that came with his initial success.

That is legit, the real story.

zuletzt geändert von firecracker


Dirty, dirty feet from the concert in the grass / I wanted to believe that freedom there could last (Willy Mason)