Antwort auf: 23.04.2024: Cherry Picking #44 | Sams Songsammelsurium #114 | Faves #3

Startseite Foren Das Radio-Forum StoneFM 23.04.2024: Cherry Picking #44 | Sams Songsammelsurium #114 | Faves #3 Antwort auf: 23.04.2024: Cherry Picking #44 | Sams Songsammelsurium #114 | Faves #3

#12294499  | PERMALINK

Cookie Pusher

Registriert seit: 17.10.2003

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zappa1Paper Plane ist eh einer der großartigsten Tracks von Quo!

Yep. Top 3 bei mir!

Wasn’t really up there with me,
we all make mistakes, forgive me
would you like to ride my paper plane?


there's room at the top they are telling you still but first you must learn how to smile as you kill