Antwort auf: Eels – Daisies of the galaxy

#12253679  | PERMALINK

Cookie Pusher

Registriert seit: 17.10.2003

Beiträge: 72,156

Grace Kelly Blues ****1/2
Packing blankets ****1/2
The sound of fear ***1/2
I like birds ****
Daisies of the galaxy ****
Flyswatter ****
It’s a motherfucker ****
Estate sale ***
Tiger in my tank ***1/2
A daisy through concrete ***1/2
Jeannie’s diary ****
Wooden nickles ****
Something is sacred ****
Selective Memory *****
Mr. E’s Beautiful Blues ****

Gesamtwertung: ****

Platz 1 in meinem Eels-Ranking.


there's room at the top they are telling you still but first you must learn how to smile as you kill