Antwort auf: Umfrage – Die 20 besten Tracks von Simon Joyner

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#12183601  | PERMALINK

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Registriert seit: 19.03.2004

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jackofhGute Idee – und cool von Simon, dass er über seinen Schatten sprang und die Songs am Ende doch neu eingespielt hat! Soweit ich weiß, hält er nicht mehr viel von den frühen Aufnahmen. Hat er irgendetwas dazu gesagt/geschrieben dir gegenüber? Z.B. ob die Rekapitulation ihm die Songs (oder einzelne davon) wieder näher gebracht hat? Ich stelle mir das eigentlich als einen spannenden Prozess vor, auch um über sein junges Ich nachzudenken oder vielleicht auch etwas Neues zu lernen. Wobei Simon nostalgischen Anwandlungen ja durchaus skeptisch gegenüber steht.

Ja, er hat sich sogar recht ausführlich dazu geäußert.

Kurze Erklärung:
Joyner hatte im letzten Jahr zur Finanzierung einer bevorstehenden Tour sein „Made To Order“-Projekt angekündigt. Dabei hat er individuelle Songwünsche von Fans neu eingespielt und ihnen diese Aufnahmen als CDR geschickt, ich hatte mir eine Neueinspielung seines ersten veröffentlichten Albums „Umbilical Chords“ (1992 auf Tape erschienen) gewünscht.

Zuerst schrieb er mir dazu:

Simon JoynerI’ve been re-learning a lot of old songs and recording them but I’m having some problems with some of the Umbilical Chords songs. Some of them are just inaccessible to me now, I can’t muster the strength to revisit them. There’s a handful I can tackle without a problem but I’m wondering how you would feel about choosing some replacements. You were the only one who asked for the whole tape so if you’d consider getting about half of the songs from U.C. instead and choosing some replacements for the other half, that would be a relief to me. I just don’t think I can do some of them justice or else I feel too embarrassed to sing some of them and it’s been a roadblock getting this done.


Simon JoynerI may knock out a few more from UC in any case but assume that half will be orphaned by a cruel, unforgiving father in the end!

Schließlich kam etwas Schwung in die Sache:

Simon JoynerI did several more UC songs last night and want to tackle California Orange and maybe a couple more tonight. So, I should have all but three songs from the tape done, I’m guessing. […] These are really angsty and very much the beginning but there are nice moments and some songs I like in full to this day.

Und letzten Endes nahm er doch alle Songs des Albums neu auf:

Simon JoynerI ended up deciding to just finish the Umbilical Chords recordings so I can honor your original Made to Order requests, after all. I realized I was so close to getting the whole 185 songs finished that I’d feel like I had copped out if I did all but five or six songs. It was actually pretty fun and not as difficult as I feared. A lot of political stuff. The song Ode to Francis Scott Key which I was afraid would be mortally humiliating to re-listen to was pretty interesting in that it was all about anti-Japanese racism that was going on at the time in the country when our economy was doing badly and Japan’s car industry was thriving and all the ridiculous ways the hate and fear was manufactured and propagated. Nothing has changed, people are really simple machines. The nationalities change but it’s all the same shit in an endless of loop. So, depressing to revisit that song and have it all still true but it wasn’t a terrible song. I still think that a good flag washing would be a better protest than a flag burning. There are lyrics in most of these UC songs that I would of course like to change or wish I had spent more time on to make better but I cut my younger self some slack, I was just figuring out it all out. So, anyway, original mission accomplished.


God told me to do it.