Antwort auf: Ergebnisse zur Umfrage: Die 20 besten Tracks von Rush

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#12172841  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 13.11.2003

Beiträge: 3,648

Im SH Forum wurde eine ähnliche Umfrage gemacht (mit Top 40 statt Top 20)…


01 The Spirit of Radio 2190
02 Tom Sawyer 2137
03 Subdivisions 2121
04 Red Barchetta 2035
05 La Villa Strangiato 2032
06 Xanadu 2013
07 Limelight 1931
08 Freewill 1768
09 2112 1767
10 YYZ 1579
11 Natural Science 1431
12 The Trees 1333
13 The Camera Eye 1289
14 Hemispheres 1208
15 The Analog Kid 1167
16 Time Stand Still 1160
17 Closer to the Heart 1159
18 Jacob’s Ladder 1116
19 Distant Early Warning 1109
20 Cygnus X-1 982
21 A Farewell to Kings 966
22 By-Tor and the Snow Dog 895
23 Red Sector A 889
24 New World Man 888
25 Working Man 862
26 Between the Wheels 833
27 Dreamline 830
28 Anthem 793
29 Fly by Night 753
30 (t) Vital Signs 721
30 (t) Marathon 721
32 Circumstances 718
33 Bastille Day 701
34 Entre Nous 677
35 Losing It 675
36 The Pass 629
37 The Weapon 583
38 The Big Money 582
39 Bravado 565
40 Afterimage 562

41 A Passage to Bangkok 561
42 Witch Hunt 508
43 Manhattan Project 490
44 The Enemy Within 450
45 Lakeside Park 448
46 Animate 441
47 Presto 430
48 (t) The Garden 425
48 (t) The Fountain of Lamneth 425
50 Far Cry 413
51 Something for Nothing 400
52 Ghost of a Chance 399
53 The Necromancer 394
54 Force Ten 387
55 Digital Man 382
56 Middletown Dreams 373
57 Available Light 369
58 Different Strings 358
59 Show Don’t Tell 342
60 Driven 279
62 Beneath, Between and Behind 275
62 Nobody’s Hero 267
63 Roll the Bones 263
64 Mystic Rhythms 256
65 The Body Electric 248
66 Cold Fire 238
67 In the End 238
68 Headlong Flight 231
69 Between Sun and Moon 228
70 Mission 221


i don't care about the girls, i don't wanna see the world, i don't care if i'm all alone, as long as i can listen to the Ramones (the dubrovniks)