Antwort auf: Simon Joyner – Grass, Branch & Bone

#12164725  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 20.04.2019

Beiträge: 2,110

A1: Sonny * * * 1/2
A2: Train To Crazy Horse * * * 1/2
A3: You Got Under My Skin * *
A4: Jefferson Reed * * *1/2
A5: Some Fathers Let The Sunset Bring Them To Their Knees * * 1/2

B1: Old Days * * * *
B2: I Will Not Be Your Fool (The Muse’s Song) * * *
B3: In My Drinking Dream * * * 1/2
B4: Nostalgia Blues * * * *

Gesamt: * * *


All I Can Do Is Be Me, Whoever That Is.