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#12003685  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 18.01.2009

Beiträge: 6,438

Scott Adams ist allerdinds schon seit weit über 10 Jahren reif. Beispielhaft ein Highlight aus 2011:
The reality is that women are treated differently by society for exactly the same reason that children and the mentally handicapped are treated differently. It’s just easier this way for everyone. You don’t argue with a four-year old about why he shouldn’t eat candy for dinner. You don’t punch a mentally handicapped guy even if he punches you first. And you don’t argue when a women tells you she’s only making 80 cents to your dollar. It’s the path of least resistance. You save your energy for more important battles.
Oder das hier:

‘Dilbert’ Creator Scott Adams Says ‘Republicans Will Be Hunted’ If Biden Wins Election

Wer mehr wissen will, kann sich auf Adams‘ Blog informieren, abet das verlinke ich nicht. Das ist seit langem eine Ansammlung von rassistischen und/oder frauenfeindlichen „Gedankenspielen“ mit entsprechendem Publikum. Akif Pirincci in der MAGA-Variante.

Edit: Hier noch der aktuelle Originalton. Ich finde, die Spiegel-Übersetzung schönt das deutlich:

„If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with white people … that’s a hate group,“ Adams said on his YouTube channel on Wednesday. „And I don’t want to have anything to do with them.“
“The best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from Black people,”. […]
“Just get the fuck away. Wherever you have to go, just get away,” he went on.
And on: “There’s no fixing this. This can’t be fixed. … You just have to escape. So that’s what I did, I went to a neighborhood where I have a very low Black population.”

„It’s ok to be white.“ ist übrigens ein rechter Slpgan aus der 4chan-Ecke:'s_okay_to_be_white

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Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.  Reality denied comes back to haunt. Philip K. Dick