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fifteenjugglersAndererseits, auch aus dem letzten Jahr:
You’ve worked tirelessly over the years – where does that work ethic come from? I think my family. My aunts, uncles, my parents, my grandparents. You know, that generation… They just knew they had responsibilities, and they took care of their family and the people around them. I guess it was just by osmosis. But also, I have to say that I love my work. I saw a quote, where Willie Nelson was asked: Willie, when are you going to retire? And he said: Well, all I do is play music and play golf. So which one do you want me to give up? And I don’t play golf! And music… I still love playing music. They’re going to have to pull me off the stage with a hook, I guess.
Ich vermute ja, dass Emmy noch etwas erschüttert ist von Lindas Krankheit und deswegen sich vorsichtig gibt. Über die Verkäufe der letzten Platten weiß ich nichts, ich weiß nicht mal, ob sie noch eine Plattenfirma hat (Nonesuch war’s vorher).
If you talk bad about country music, it's like saying bad things about my momma. Them's fightin' words.