Re: Die besten Video und PC-Games

Startseite Foren HiFi, Anlagen, Technik und Games Games Die besten Video und PC-Games Re: Die besten Video und PC-Games

#1168423  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 12.10.2004

Beiträge: 7,593

1. Starfox 64: Lylat Wars (N64)
2. Zelda III – A Link To The Past (SNES)
3. Super Mario 64 (N64)
4. Startropics (NES)
5. Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
6. Donkey Kong Country II – Diddy’s Kong Quest (SNES)
7. Secret Of Evermore (SNES)
8. Die Siedler II (PC)
9. Sam&Max Hit The Road (PC)
10. Empire Earth (PC)
11. Uncharted II – Among Thieves (PS3)
12. Simon The Sorcerer II (PC)
13. Age Of Empires II – The Age of Kings (PC)
14. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (XBOX)
15. Monkey Island II – LeChuck’s Revenge (PC)
16. Half Life (PC)
17. Dragon Age: Origins (PC)
18. Project Gotham Racing II (XBOX)
19. International Superstar Soccer 64 (N64)
20. Mega Man III (NES)
21. Mafia (PC)
22. Super Mario Brothers III (NES)
23. No One Lives Forever (PC)
24. Zelda 64 – The Ocarina Of Time (N64)
25. Mega Man (Gameboy)
26. Conker’s Bad Hair Day (N64)
27. Zelda II – The Adventures Of Link (NES)
28. Illusion Of Time (SNES)
29. Diddy Kong Racing (N64)
30. Jack Keane (PC)


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