Antwort auf: von genial bis gaga – Zitate von Musikern

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#11641829  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 01.01.1970

Beiträge: 0

I love Greatest Hits records! I grew up with Greatest Hits records. My folks didn’t have a 4,000 LP record collection. They had best-ofs, they had Greatest Hits, they had ‘Changes’ by Bowie. They didn’t have ‘Low’, they didn’t have ‘Lodger’ – and that was enough for them.”

“They just wanted to hear the best bits, they just wanted to hear the hits. That’s great. If that’s all they wanted to hear, if that’s all these needed to hear from those artists then fuck it – you enjoy that! But also, those records were something else. That’s what it was for them, but for me it was an introduction: it was that doorway that I could step through into the world of those artists.”

Alex Kaprano (Franz Ferdinand) singt ein Loblied auf die Greatest Hits Alben  :good:
