Antwort auf: Umfrage: Die 20 besten Tracks von The Style Council

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#11641499  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 21.07.2016

Beiträge: 291

Ich bin hiermit nicht einverstanden:

Shout to the top: 7” ≠ 12”(Track 1) ≠ 12” (instrumental) ≠ USA Remix => 4 Versionen

Das sind minimalste Unterschiede, die nicht ins Gewicht fallen, abgesehen von der Instrumentalversion. Das Ergebnis wird dadurch ganz sicher verfälscht. Wenn ich mir die Listen ansehe, dann ist Shout To The Top sicher in den Top drei. Ein Split der Versionen könnte zur Folge haben, dass er z.B. nicht Platz 1 wird, z.B. Platz 2 ist UK Version und 15 USA Remix, aber zusammen Platz 1. Es geht hier meiner Meinung nach um ein Song Ranking und da sollten unterschiedliche Versionen auch WIRKLICH unterschiedlich sein.

Hier ein Auszug aus einem englischen Forum, in dem jemand die Unterschiede erklärt:

For what it’s worth, the difference between the versions of „Shout To The Top!“ go beyond the mixes and lengths. I count three different vocal takes used for various mixes.

#1: On the one that ran about 4:17 on <i>Internationalists,</i> Paul sounds a bit hoarse throughout and does „humming“ ad libs before the opening line („I was half in mind“), and also before the lines „I was halfway home“ and „It’s a frightening thing.“ The ad lib before „it’s a frightening thing“ is falsetto.

#2: Having bought <i>Internationalists </i>back in ’85. I got used to that falsetto ad lib and was very surprised when I didn’t hear it on the shorter version, which I got later on on <i>Singular Adventures. </i>On this one, Paul sounds more aggressive and definitive in his singing. None of the „humming“ ad libs are present and you can tell this version because he starts it with „I was half in line“ as opposed to „Hmmmm…I was half in line.“

#3: Then there’s the version that turned up on the soundtrack to the movie „Vision Quest.“ It runs 4:19. On this one, Paul singe the melody of the line „I’m not impressed at all“ in a totally different way. Also, the humming ad lib before „I was halfway home“ is longer and different but he doesn’t do a falsetto one before „It’s a frightening thing.“ Sounds like yet another take to me.

All three of these versions have the same basic drum pattern, by the way: bass SNARE, bass SNARE, over and over.

To complicate matters, the one called „U.S. Remix“ included as a bonus cut on my CD version of <i>Our Favourite Shop </i>has some added harmony by Paul on the line „days of mine“ and some different ad libs on the fade at around 3:20. But, it sounds like the lead vocal here is the one from the shorter <i>Singular Adventures</i> version, not the longer one…even though this version runs the length of the longer one.

On top of that, it has a snare drum pattern that comes up every four beats instead of every two: bass, bass, bass, SNARE.

Are we all insane yet? Am I crazy to have noticed all this?

Ich stimme dem Verfasser zu, die Unterschiede sind eher minimal und dürften unterschiedliche Zählungen nicht legitimieren.

zuletzt geändert von k-o-r-r
