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#11565097  | PERMALINK

Cookie Pusher

Registriert seit: 17.10.2003

Beiträge: 72,157

Playlist 17.08.2021

1.) „Old New Songs Vol. 88“
DJ: Oliver (pheebee)

1. Earl King – Come on (Parts I & II)
2. Ray Charles – Your cheating heart
3. Bob Luman – Dynamite woman
4. The Cars – Good times roll
5. Graham Gouldman – Bus stop
6. The Awkward Paws – It must be summer
7. Dave Edmunds – Almost saturday night
8. The Weekings – What’s new Mary Jane
9. The Doors – Cars hiss by my window
10. The Wallflowers – I hear the ocean (When I wanna hear trains)
11. Warren Zevon – For my next trick I’ll need a volunteer
12. The Bevis Frond – London stone
13. Link Wray – Falling rain
14. The Grip Weeds – Strawberry fields forever
15. Carmen McRae – Here there and everywhere

2.) „Momentaufnahmen Vol. 16 / Schatten des Sommers“
DJ: Werner Ahrensfeld (wahr)

1. Jose Gonzalez – Swing
2. Tim Buckley – Happy time
3. Anika – Change
4. William Parker – Cosmic funk
5. Henry Cow – The decay of cities
6. The Mothers Of Invention – The legend of the golden arches
7. Art Bears – The hermit
8. The Slits – FM
9. David Bowie – Beauty and the beast
10. Marc Ribot’s Ceramic Dog – They met in the middle
11. Herbie Hancock – Wiggle-waggle
12. Badge Epoch – Consensus ready

3.) „One Sound…And Others! Vol. 103“
DJ: Thomas (sparch)

1. Gothic – Shadow man
2. White Ward – Debemur morti
3. Olhava – Frozen bloom I
4. Thy Catafalque – Vadak (Az átváltozás rítusai)
5. Inferno – Stars within and stars without projected into the matrix of time
6. Sunset In The 12th House – Rejuvenation

17.08.2021: Old New Songs 88 | Momentaufnahmen 16 | One Sound and Others 103


there's room at the top they are telling you still but first you must learn how to smile as you kill