Antwort auf: Bruce Springsteen

#11524187  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 20.10.2013

Beiträge: 5,226

Update :

Greetings From Asbury Park N.J.  ****
The Wild, The Innocent & The E-Street Shuffle  ***+
Born To Run  ***** (#31)
Darkness On The Edge Of Town  ***** (#41)
The River  ***1/2+
Nebraska  ****+
Born In The U.S.A.  ***** (#17)
Tunnel Of Love  ****
Lucky Town  ***
In Concert MTV (Un)Plugged  ***1/2
The Ghost Of Tom Joad  ***+
Live in New York City  ***** (#150)
The Rising  ****1/2 (#246)
Devils & Dust  ***1/2
The Seeger Sessions  ****+
Magic  ***1/2
Working On A Dream  **1/2
Wrecking Ball  ***1/2
High Hopes  ***1/2
Western Stars  ***
Letter To You  ****


Blue, Blue, Blue over you