Antwort auf: Auswertung der Umfrage – Die 20 besten Tracks von Marillion

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#11512681  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 01.01.1970

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Apropos, wenn man sich diese Fakten vor Augen hält, macht ‘Cannibal Surf Babe’ schon Sinn. Die Musik spiegelt den Gemütszustand von Brian Wilson doch gut wieder:

“From the summer of 1973 to 1975, Wilson locked himself in his bedroom and lay in bed. His daily ritual consisted of watching trash daytime TV and Sesame Street and staring at intricately carved angels on the headboard of his bed. Iggy Pop (ex-junkie, alcoholic, animated cadaver, fond of showing off the parts they never mention) was once quoted as saying that Wilson was ‚just too damn weird!’” (Wikipedia)
