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#11497949  | PERMALINK

Cookie Pusher

Registriert seit: 17.10.2003

Beiträge: 72,157

Playlist 18.05.2021

1.) „Old New Songs Vol. 84“
DJ: Oliver (pheebee)

1. Lee Hazlewood – She comes running
2. Jon Dee Graham – Twilight
3. Nick Waterhouse – Pushing too hard
4. Upper Wilds – Love song #3
5. Udo Lindenberg feat. Eric Burdon – Verdammt, wir müssen raus aus dem Dreck
6. Eric Burdon – Factory girl
7. Simon Turner – 17
8. Ryley Walker – Rang dizzy
9. The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion – She said
10. Jon Dee Graham – Shoeshine Charlie
11. The Cruel Sea – I feel
12. Bob Dylan – Maggie’s farm
13. Bob Dylan – Forever young

2.) „Momentaufnahmen Vol. 15“
DJ: Werner Ahrensfeld (wahr)

1. Maraudeur – Es ist kein Stehlen
2. Maraudeur – Face / Figure
3. Mia Doi Todd feat. Jeff Parker and Money Mark – Music life
4. Mia Doi Todd – Take what you can carry (Scientist Dub One)
5. Kaidi Tatham – Try n follow
6. Kaidi Tatham feat. Mongo Man – Carry
7. Manslaughter 777 – Do you know who loves you
8. Ancient of Days – Carpe noctem
9. Kalbells – Flute windows open in the rain
10. Kalbells – Pickles
11. Noname – Rainforest
12. Spellling – Little deer
13. Teke::Teke – Barbara

3.) „One Sound…And Others! Vol. 100“
DJ: Thomas (sparch)

1. Faith No More – War pigs
2. Kanonenfieber – Die Feuertaufe
3. Panzerfaust – Stalingrad, Massengrab
4. Metallica – Disposable heroes
5. Kanonenfieber – Unterstandsangst
6. Iron Maiden – Paschendale
7. Panzerfaust – The men of no man’s land
8. Kanonenfieber – Verscharrt und ungerühmt
9. John Lennon – Imagine

18.05.2021: Old New Songs 84 | Momentaufnahmen 15 | One Sound and Others 100


there's room at the top they are telling you still but first you must learn how to smile as you kill