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#11458913  | PERMALINK

Cookie Pusher

Registriert seit: 17.10.2003

Beiträge: 72,157

Playlist 20.04.2021

1.) „Old New Songs Vol. 82“
DJ: Oliver (pheebee)

1. Bob Dylan – Duquesne whistle
2. Tracy Chapman – Give me one reason
3. Jeff Beck Group – Going down
4. Roy Loney & The Phantom Movers – Hundred miles an hour
5. Camper Van Beethoven – Take the skinheads bowling
6. Dave Baby Cortez – Rinky dink
7. The Specials – Ghost town
8. Ben Lee – Gamble everything for love
9. Prince & 3RDEYEGIRL – WOW!
10. The Kinks – Victoria
11. Andromeda – Days of the change
12. The Mods – Don’t bring me down
13. Nick Waterhouse – B. Santa Ana, 1986
14. The Mr. T Experience – Just your way of saying no

2.) „Momentaufnahmen Vol. 14“
DJ: Werner Ahrensfeld (wahr)

1. Iglooghost – Eœ (Disk•Initiate)
2. Dry Cleaning – John Wick
3. Elegiac – Vous et ici
4. Iglooghost – Pure grey circle
5. Iglooghost – Zones u can’t see
6. Dry Cleaning – Strong feelings
7. Verbatum Jones – Hold on
8. Etherwink & Larwott – Gryning
9. Eyehategod – Smoker’s piece
10. Eyehategod – High risk trigger
11. Gazelle Twin & NYX – Fire leap
12. Perilous – River Nile Rock
13. Steffen Basho-Junghans – Rainbow dancer

3.) „One Sound…And Others! Vol. 98“
DJ: Thomas (sparch)

1. Iron Maiden – That girl
2. Urchin – My lady
3. The Entire Population Of Hackney – See me through
4. A.S.a.P. – Silver and gold
5. A.S.a.P. – When she’s gone
6. Iron Maiden – Wasted years
7. Iron Maiden – Reach out
8. Adrian Smith & Richie Kotzen – Some people
9. Adrian Smith & Richie Kotzen – You don’t know me
10. Iron Maiden – Alexander the great

20.04.2021: Old New Songs 82 | Momentaufnahmen 14 | One Sound and Others 98


there's room at the top they are telling you still but first you must learn how to smile as you kill