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#11388975  | PERMALINK

Cookie Pusher

Registriert seit: 17.10.2003

Beiträge: 72,158

Playlist 25.02.2021

1.) „Fundstücke Vol. 2“
DJ: Martin (MarBeck)

1. The Lathums – The great escape
2. Adele and The Chandeliers – Treasure
3. It’s My Party – He wasn’t like that (When he used to be mine)
4. Heather – I’ll come softly
5. Peaness – Breakfast
6. Ironville – Roses
7. Free Loan Investments – If you leave
8. Big Strong Union – Internetpoker ruined my life
9. The Vernes – Summer’s gone
10. Devery – Alright
11. Chevy – My my my
12. Chocolade Barry – I cry because of you Argentina
13. The Winston Solution – It’s easier to stay
14. Ups And Downs – Imaginations wild
15. The Stolen Picassos – Nobody heard
16. Adele and The Chandeliers – German on my mind
17. The Hit Parade – Joey’s girl
18. Mighty Mighty – Stupid little things
19. The Chills – When the poor can reach the moon
20. The Lathums – Villainous Victorian

2.) „Sams Songsammelsurium Vol. 101“
DJ: Thomas Franz (sam)

1. OK KID – Intro
2. OK KID – Am Ende
3. Richard Ashcroft – All my dreams
4. Buffalo Springfield – Exspecting to fly
5. Creedence Clearwater Revival – Fortunate son
6. King Crimson -Larks‘ tongues in aspic, Pt. 2
7. Joy Division – Leaders of man
8. Family 5 – Die kapieren nicht
9. Wilco – Outtasite (Outta mind)
10. Nirvana (GB) – Lithium
11. Stoppok – Lohnt sich nicht
12. Thees Uhlmann – Zum Laichen und Sterben ziehen die Lachse den Fluß hinauf
13. Frank Zappa and the Mothers Of Invention – Plastic people
14. The Interrupters – Rumors and gossip

3.) „Gypsy Goes Jazz Vol. 115 / Fred Hersch“
DJ: Flurin Casura (gypsy tail wind)

1. Fred Hersch Trio – You don’t know what love is
2. Art Farmer Quartet – One for Sam
3. Fred Hersch Trio – Swamp thang
4. Fred Hersch – Five views of misterioso
5. Fred Hersch & Julian Lage – Down home
6. Fred Hersch Trio – Galaxy fragment / You and the night and the music
7. Fred Hersch Trio – Snape maltings
8. Fred Hersch – Memories of you

25.02.2021: Fundstücke 2 | Sams Songsammelsurium 101 | Gypsy goes Jazz 115


there's room at the top they are telling you still but first you must learn how to smile as you kill