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Beiträge: 917

Heute um etwa 21:00 Uhr findet das erste von zwei Online-Konzerten von Ian Ethan Case statt, ich zitiere mal:

„Hello All!

Steph and I have been practicing and preparing for weeks and now it’s finally time – we hope you can join us for one of our livestream concerts this Saturday, November 21st! Here are the direct links to tune in – and if you click on them now you can set a reminder for yourself so you don’t miss the show!

Early Show (12pm PST, 3pm EST, 8pm GMT)–>>
Late Show (5pm PST, 8pm EST, 1am GMT)–>

This won’t be your typical casual „iphone in a living room“ kind of livestream (not that there’s anything wrong with that)…this will be a high-quality audio feed along with multiple camera angles – you’ll even get to watch Steph working her normally behind-the-scenes mixing magic!

…We’ll be celebrating the 5-year anniversary of our double-disc „Run Toward The Mountains“ album’s release on Candyrat Records (almost to the day), so we’ll be playing mostly music from that album…..“

zuletzt geändert von dustcrawling


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