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#11263625  | PERMALINK

Cookie Pusher

Registriert seit: 17.10.2003

Beiträge: 72,158

Playlist 03.11.2020

1.) „Old New Songs Vol. 71“
DJ: Oliver (pheebee)

1. Jerry Lee Lewis – Rock’n’roll medley
2. Grateful Dead – Alabama getaway
3. Lou Reed – Dirty Blvd.
4. Pearl Jam – Smile
5. Travis – Valerine
6. Hayes Carll – Bad liver and a broken heart
7. Deep Purple – The power of the moon
8. Songhoy Blues – Badala
9. Viagra Boys – Lick the bag
10. The Brothers Burn – What Jessica said
11. Eels – Anything for Boo
12. Culk – Nacht
13. Hamilton Leithauser – The silent orchestra
14. The 81s – Mind bender
15. Jerry Jeff Walker – Gypsy songman

2.) „Aus den Abgründen einer Festplatte Vol. 15 Pt. 2“
DJ: Werner Hagn (Copperhead)

1. Bram Tchaikovsky – Turn on the light
2. Robert Wyatt – Caimanera
3. The Men They Couldn’t Hang – Ironmasters
4. Doug Wimbish – Glorification chant
5. Little Johnny England – My heart’s where my home used to be
6. The Zipheads – 54-46 (That was my number)
7. Manet – Sleepdriving into oblivion
8. The Quarrymen – That’ll be the day
9. The Quarrymen – In spite of all the danger
10. The Manges – Ramones at Lollapalooza
11. Southbound Snake Charmers – The ballad of Tarantino
12. Nick Waterhouse – Pushing too hard
13. The Pretty Things – Can’t be satisfied
14. The Pretty Things – The devil had a hold on me
15. The Pretty Things – Redemption day

3.) „No Problem Saloon Vol. 24 / Inner City Message“
DJ: Flurin Casura (gypsy tail wind)

1. Melvin Van Peebles – Sweetback’s theme
2. The Freedom Sounds feat. Wayne Henderson – People get ready
3. Herbie Hancock – I have a dream
4. Melvin Van Peebles – Catch that on the corner
5. Eddie Jefferson – Zap! Carnivorous
6. The Crusaders – A message from the inner city
7. The Staple Singers – Respect yourself
8. Melvin Van Peebles – A birth certificate ain’t nothin‘ but a death certificate anyway

03.11.20: Old New Songs/Aus den Abgründen einer Festplatte/No Problem Saloon


there's room at the top they are telling you still but first you must learn how to smile as you kill