Antwort auf: Emma Ruth Rundle – On Dark Horses

Startseite Foren Die Tonträger: Aktuell und Antiquariat Aktuelle Platten Emma Ruth Rundle – On Dark Horses Antwort auf: Emma Ruth Rundle – On Dark Horses

#11152977  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 10.07.2002

Beiträge: 36,556

neuer Track: Staying Power

stammt noch aus den On Dark Horses Sessions

Anfang Juni hat Rundle zusammen mit Mitgliedern der Bands Mastodon, YOB und Old Man Gloom für Two Minutes To Late Night Kate Bushs Running Up That Hill eingespielt:

Two Minutes To Late Night
Hello friends, we decided to release this video on schedule even though our country is in turmoil because we wanted to honor the hard work of our guest musicians and to give our fans a respite from the horrors of the fascist police state. In lieu of donating to our Patreon, we ask you to consider making a donation to the protestor bail funds for your local city (we’ve listed some of the major ones below). Please take a moment to acknowledge our many friends who cannot enjoy any kind of video right now. Black Lives Matter. Rest in power George Floyd and the many other victims of systemic oppression.


If you stay too long, you'll finally go insane.