Antwort auf: Umfrage: Die 20 besten Tracks von Radiohead

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#11055481  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 07.03.2004

Beiträge: 21,307

  1. Let Down
  2. Motion Picture Soundtrack
  3. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
  4. Android Paranoid
  5. Everything in its right place
  6. Idiotheque
  7. There There
  8. Pyramid Song
  9. Life in a glass house
  10. Karma police
  11. Reckoner
  12. Knives Out
  13. Burn the witch
  14. No suprises
  15. Spectre
  16. The Daily Mail
  17. Hight And Dry
  18. Nice Dream
  19. All I Need
  20. Videotape


and now we rise and we are everywhere