Re: Elvis Costello

#1064935  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 07.01.2003

Beiträge: 14,707

Und hier nun noch mal die ganze Liste inklusive Delivery Man:

My Aim is True ****
This Year’s Model ****
Armed Forces ****1/2
Get Happy!! ***** (4)
Trust ***** (3)
Almost Blue **
Imperial Bedroom ***** (2)
Punch the Clock ***** (5)
Goodbye Cruel World ****
King of America ****
Blood and Chocolate ***** (6)
Spike ***
Mighty like a Rose ***1/2
The Juliet Letters ***1/2
Kojak Variety **
All this useless Beauty ***
Brutal Youth ***
Painted from Memory ***** (1)
When I was Cruel ****
North ****1/2
The Delivery Man ****


Lately I've been seeing things / They look like they float at the back of my head room[/B] [/SIZE][/FONT]