Startseite › Foren › Das Radio-Forum › StoneFM › 20.09.2018: Tohuwabohu 57 | Rudis Wundertüte Krautrock (Wdh) | Tower Of Song 84 › Antwort auf: 20.09.2018: Tohuwabohu 57 | Rudis Wundertüte Krautrock (Wdh) | Tower Of Song 84
Formed by members of Orange Peel and Nosferatu (the vocalist / guitarist Michael Winzkowski), the band Epsilon published three LPs between 1971 and 1974. Their self title can be considered as their best, a nicely varied and achieved combination between heavy blues rockin‘ sections and coherent progressive skills. Their second „Move on“ (1971) represents a more mainstream rock album with a few enjoyable moments. With the album „Epsilon off“ (1975) the band turn to a straight heavy rockin‘ trip in a typical 70s style.
First, self-titled album of German prog-rock band „Epsilon“ is definitely their best one. It’s a classic example of organ-oriented monster from 70s clearly influenced by British late 60′ and early 70′ prog/psych movement. All songs are sang in English language and overall „feeling“ of this production has nothing to do with (over)experimental Krautrock scene. This album can be easily compared with such underground, organ-oriented bands from UK as „Atomic Rooster“, „Cressida“, „Beggar’s Opera“, „Fantasy“, „Still Life“, „Argent“, „Bodkin“ and even „The Nice“ (in fact musicians from „Epsilon“ played The Nice’s covers under „Karthago“ moniker before!).
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