Startseite › Foren › Fave Raves: Die definitiven Listen › Die besten Filme › Sofia Coppola
Lost in Translation * * * *
Marie Antoinette * * * *
Somewhere * * *--
We are all failures, at least the best of us are.Highlights von„Raw Power“ von Iggy Pop & The Stooges: Filigraner Krawall
Bob Marley: Leben und Tod der Reggae-Legende
Die besten Hardrock-Alben aller Zeiten: Guns N‘ Roses – „Appetite For Destruction“
Zum Heulen zumute: Die traurigsten Filme auf Netflix
Suede: Dinosaurier der Dekadenz
Kritik: „Das Schweigen der Lämmer“ – Die Lust des Kannibalen
WerbungThe Virgin Suicides * * * *
Lost In Translation * * * *
Marie Antoinette * * * * 1/2
Somewhere * * *
The Bling Ring * * *--
atomThe Virgin Suicides * * * * 1/2
Lost in Translation * * * * *
Marie Antoinette * * * *
Somewhere * * * * 1/2The Bling Ring * * * 1/2
Hey man, why don't we make a tune... just playin' the melody, not play the solos...The Virgin Suicides * * * 1/2
Lost In Translation * * * * 1/2
Marie Antoinette * * * *
Somewhere * * *--
Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to exit the donut!atomThe Virgin Suicides * * * * 1/2
Lost in Translation * * * * *
Marie Antoinette * * * *
Somewhere * * * * 1/2
The Bling Ring * * * 1/2A Very Murray Christmas * * * *
Hey man, why don't we make a tune... just playin' the melody, not play the solos...atomA Very Murray Christmas * * * *
Damn! Ich brauche Netflix!
"Don't reach out for me," she said "Can't you see I'm drownin' too?"Lost in Translation ***1/2
Marie Antoinette ***Napoleon DynamiteThe Virgin Suicides * * *
Lost in Translation * * * 1/2
Marie Antoinette * * * *
Somewhere * * 1/2The Bling Ring * * * 1/2
A Very Murray Christmas * *--
A Kiss in the DreamhouselathoLost in Translation * * *
Marie Antoinette * * * *The Bling Ring * * * 1/2
If you talk bad about country music, it's like saying bad things about my momma. Them's fightin' words.The Virgin Suicides ****
Lost in Translation ****
Somewhere ****1/2
The Bling Ring ****1/2--
AnonymInaktivRegistriert seit: 01.01.1970
Beiträge: 0
The Virgin Suicides ***
Lost In Translation ***1/2--
Napoleon Dynamite
A Very Murray Christmas * *Trotz Miley? (Habe den Film noch nicht gesehen.)
Arise now, ye Tarnished/Ye dead, who yet live/ The call of long-lost grace speaks to us allThe Virgin Suicides * * * 1/2
Lost in Translation * * * * *
Somewhere * * * *
The Bling Ring * * * 1/2
A Very Murray Christmas * *--
Jan_JanTrotz Miley? (Habe den Film noch nicht gesehen.)
Der Miley-Bonus ist schon eingerechnet.
A Kiss in the DreamhouseThe Virgin Suicides ****
Lost In Translation *****
Marie Antoinette ****
Somewhere ****1/2
The Bling Ring ***1/2--
„I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.“ (Groucho Marx) -
Schlagwörter: Lost In Translation, Marie Antoinette, Sofia Coppola, Somewhere, The Virgin Suicides
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