Startseite › Foren › Das Konzert-Forum: Wann, wer und wie › Aktuelle Konzertdaten › Kanye West
05.03.06, Berlin, Columbiahalle
06.03.06: Köln, PalladiumFind ich gediegen, bin wohl in Berlin
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ich verhandle nicht mit psychopathen[/b]Ui, ich werd’s mir nomal überlegen. 40.- sind mir schon fast wieder zuviel…
JulesUi, ich werd’s mir nomal überlegen. 40.- sind mir schon fast wieder zuviel…
stimmt, des is net grad wenig. so bis 25 oder 30 wär ich noch hingegangen. aber hab mir schon gedacht das des ne teuerere veranstaltung ist weil die amis nehmen sowieso immer ganz saftige preise wenn sie ma in europa auftreten.
ich verhandle nicht mit psychopathen[/b]sidostimmt, des is net grad wenig. so bis 25 oder 30 wär ich noch hingegangen. aber hab mir schon gedacht das des ne teuerere veranstaltung ist weil die amis nehmen sowieso immer ganz saftige preise wenn sie ma in europa auftreten.
Stimmt. Und Kanye wird z.zt. eh von Viva und Mtv gehypt… Das gibt nochmal nen Zuschlag
Kanye ist endlich mal wieder in Deutschland!:lol:
Hier der einzige Deutschland- Termin:
König- Pilsener- Arena, OberhausenIhr könnt auch mal schau´n unter:
Was sagt ihr dazu?
23.06. Frankfurt – Festhalle
24.06. Köln – Lanxess Arena
01.07. Berlin – o2 World--
Es ist Breitling, scheiß auf deine Aldi-Uhr / Auf meinem nächstem Cover halt ich das Excalibur„Aus produktionstechnischen Gründen verschiebt sich der Vorverkaufsstart.“
Das ist ja fast schlimmer als mit seinen Sneakern :roll:--
Babo“Aus produktionstechnischen Gründen verschiebt sich der Vorverkaufsstart.“
Das ist ja fast schlimmer als mit seinen Sneakern :roll:Sowas hab ich auch noch nicht gehört… Geht doch nur um den VVK, nicht um den Einlass in die Halle.
Jetzt wird die komplette Tour verschoben…
Es ist Breitling, scheiß auf deine Aldi-Uhr / Auf meinem nächstem Cover halt ich das Excalibur--
Hold on Magnolia to that great highway moon
AnonymInaktivRegistriert seit: 01.01.1970
Beiträge: 0
Gestern war Kanye Headliner in Glastonbury. Der Auftritt war angeblich eher durchschnittlich (LINK), aber der Guardian hat ein paar wichtige Fakten zu ihm zusammengetragen :lol:
17 facts about Kanye
I’ve been doing my research in preparation for his set, and I have discovered the following …
1 Kanye West was born on 8 June 1977. The day before, in preparation for his birth, Britain hosted a series of street parties and festivals, in which the Queen – who, coincidentally, was celebrating her silver jubilee that day – gave thanks for the imminent coming of Kanye.
2 West was raised in Chicago, which was a little-known village in Illinois at that point. West’s presence caused it to grow into the mighty city we know today. Though known as America’s “second city”, it is actually the first city – it is typical of West’s modesty that he insists on it being known as the second.
3 As a child, he lived for a spell in China with his mother. During that time he invented martial arts.
4 In 1990, aged 13, he wrote a rap song called Green Eggs and Ham, thereby both inventing hip-hop and giving Dr Seuss the inspiration for his series of books.
5 Also in 1990, under his pseudonym Andreas Brehme, he scored the winning goal for West Germany in the World Cup final.
6 Although he only attended the American Academy of Art in Chicago for one semester, West became the world’s pre-eminent artist in that time, during which he painted both the Mona Lisa and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
7 He transferred to Chicago State University to read English, but dropped out because none of the books he was studying were as good as anything he had written. By that time, West had written such classic American novels as Moby-Dick, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Great Gatsby.
8 West’s first album, as part of the group the Go-Getters, was called World Record Holders. It was named after West’s world records in the 100m, 400m, shot put, and what was at that point his most recent world record, for most beer mats flipped (a record he has since broken three times).
9 West made a name as a producer for Roc-A-Fella records in 2000. His production work provided valuable pointers to Rick Rubin and Phil Spector, who credited West with inventing the “wall of sound”
10 The song that made West’s name was Through the Wire, which popular myth holds was recorded after West’s jaw was broken and wired closed following a car crash. In fact, in a supreme feat of method preparation, he had broken his own jaw in order to put himself in the mind of someone who had broken their jaw in a car crash.
11 He invented chewing gum. And gravity.
12 When West incorporated string arrangements into his recordings on The College Dropout, he became the first person ever to use violins in music. This inspired composers, including Mozart and Beethoven, to follow suit.
13 In the run-up to his Graduation album, West listened to music by Led Zeppelin, the Rolling Stones, Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan. He was the first person ever to have listened to them.
14 In 2008, West revealed his plans to open a chain of Fatburger restaurants. This followed his invention of the burger, the french fry and the cooker earlier that year.
15 Since 2008, West has been president of the United States, under the pseudonym Barack Obama.
16 Also that year, after being arrested following a scuffle outside a nghtclub in Newcastle Upon Tyne, West invented a new accent, which he called “Geordie”, and which has since been widely adopted in the area.
17 West’s leather jogging pants are now the most widely worn item of clothing in the world. It is estimated that 92.4% of the world’s population own a pair.
Schlagwörter: Kanye West
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