Umfrage: Eure 20 David Bowie-Faves

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Ansicht von 2 Beiträgen - 211 bis 212 (von insgesamt 212)
  • Autor
  • #9770499  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 01.01.1970

    Beiträge: 0

    Auch von mir noch ein nachträgliches herzliches Danke für die Ausrichtung und Auswertung, Pipe!

    Und dass es Warzawa auf einen achtbaren Platz 21 geschafft hat, freut mich natürlich ungemein!


    Highlights von
    #12417029  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 13.11.2003

    Beiträge: 3,648

    im SH-Forum gab es eine ähnliche Umfrage…

    01 Life on Mars? 4067
    02 “Heroes” 4020
    03 Ashes to Ashes 3886
    04 Space Oddity 3374
    05 Starman 3120
    06 Moonage Daydream 2971
    07 Changes 2860
    08 Ziggy Stardust 2830
    09 Sound and Vision 2711
    10 Station to Station 2645
    11The Man Who Sold the World 2392
    12 Golden Years 2289
    13 Five Years 2238
    14 Rebel Rebel 2231
    15 Young Americans 2199
    16 Suffragette City 2131
    17 Aladdin Sane 1775
    18 Fame 1737
    19 Under Pressure (with Queen) 1664
    20 Let’s Dance 1641
    21 Queen Bitch 1546
    22 Modern Love 1514
    23 Sweet Thing/Candidate/Sweet Thing(Reprise) 1496
    24 Oh! You Pretty Things 1473
    25 Fashion 1464
    26 (t) Blackstar 1406
    26 (t) The Jean Genie 1406
    28 Panic in Detroit 1259
    29 Rock ‘N’ Roll Suicide 1251
    30 Drive-In Saturday 1205
    31 Absolute Beginners 1186
    32 Lazarus 1179
    33 Diamond Dogs 1168
    34 Quicksand 1164
    35 Stay 1131
    36 China Girl 1094
    37 Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) 1085
    38 TVC 15 1008
    39 Lady Grinning Soul 991
    40 Lady Stardust 966

    41 Always Crashing in the Same Car 953
    42 Boys Keep Swinging 931
    43 Look Back in Anger 922
    44 Soul Love 881
    45 Loving the Alien 880
    46 The Width of a Circle 856
    47 Cat People (Putting Out Fire) 845
    48 John, I’m Only Dancing 808
    49 All the Young Dudes 797
    50 Cracked Actor 795
    51 Hang On to Yourself 772
    52 This Is Not America 756
    53 Teenage Wildlife 755
    54 DJ 745
    55 Be My Wife 731
    56 The Bewlay Brothers 715
    57 Blue Jean 711
    58 Breaking Glass 711
    59 Wild Is the Wind 708
    60 Beauty and the Beast 697
    61 Watch That Man 674
    62 I’m Afraid of Americans 648
    63 1984 641
    64 Warszawa 635
    65 Word On a Wing 622
    66 It’s No Game (No. 1) 609
    67 I Can’t Give Everything Away 599
    68 Time 575
    69 Fantastic Voyage 565
    70 Jump They Say 563
    71 The Hearts Filthy Lesson 561
    72 Hallo Spaceboy 549
    73 Speed of Life 507
    74 Strangers When We Meet 506
    75 All the Madmen 494
    76 Kooks 486
    77 Andy Warhol 462
    78 Big Brother 462
    79 Where Are We Now? 449
    80 Bring Me the Disco King 448
    81 The Secret Life of Arabia 430
    82 Up the Hill Backwards 427
    83 (t) Sons of the Silent Age 338
    83 (t) Time Will Crawl 338
    85 Little Wonder 337
    86 Black Country Rock 325
    87 I’m Deranged 323
    88 Subterraneans 319
    89 Blackout 317
    90 The Prettiest Star 303
    91 Letter to Hermione 295
    92 Win 286
    93 Red Sails 283
    94 A New Career in a New Town 282
    95 (t) Buddha of Suburbia 271
    95 (t) Velvet Goldmine 271
    95 (t) Cygnet Committee 271
    98 Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed 268
    99 Right 265
    100 Slip Away 260
    101 Joe the Lion 257
    102 V-2 Schneider 251
    103 We Are the Dead 247
    104 Star 243
    105 Sue (Or in a Season of Crime) 243
    106 Memory of a Free Festival 241
    107 Slow Burn 237
    108 The Stars (Are Out Tonight) 229
    109 It Ain’t Easy 225
    110 After All 222


    i don't care about the girls, i don't wanna see the world, i don't care if i'm all alone, as long as i can listen to the Ramones (the dubrovniks)
Ansicht von 2 Beiträgen - 211 bis 212 (von insgesamt 212)

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