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AnonymInaktivRegistriert seit: 01.01.1970
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Open letter von Martin Phillipps…..
Dear Softies!
Well – things are finally starting to move a little in Chillsland. We went into Arclife Studio (above the nearly famous and definitely crucial Arc Cafe but run as a separate business) on November 20th for four days recording which I earned by donating a song towards their next Arclife compilation C.D. and also by playing solo recently at Arc Cafe’s benefit gig which informed the public that the noise complaint issue which had threatened to close the venue was now taken care of.Friend Bryan Spittle is engineer and project organiser and so much of what has come to fruition over the last few years has been due to his enthusiasm and knowledge when my own world has seemed dark and hopeless. We’ve come away with very strong rhythm tracks (the drums, the bass and some percussion) for the five songs thus far attempted. We’re doing a cover of Neil Diamond’s „Solitary Man“ which has been going down well at our recent live gigs and this track will be the one donated to the next Arclife compilation which is now scheduled for early 2003. The song „Liberty Or Love“ is shaping up to be the next single and we’ve agreed that we’d like to do a limited edition 7″ of that as well for those of us who still love that format. The B-side of that will probably be „Find Your Own Way Home“ which we’ve started on and it’s sounding great – a million miles on from that very early and very rough version that was recorded during the „Sound Of Dunedin“ gigs at Sammy’s here in Dunedin, 6th October 2000. We’re als
o finally recording, properly, „Bad Dancer“ which, again, was issued on that „Sound Of Dunedin“ C.D. set by radio KFJC.
Now before you say „why re-do these songs we’ve already heard?“ let me say that any of the already issued home demo or live songs that we choose to record again as a band will only be done if they really warrant it – and these ones do! They’ve developed so much in the live setting and it will be great to capture them in this state. Part of the aim of this e.p. is to capture some of the few new songs this line-up has been performing for the last couple of years to clear the table before the main course arrives in the form of next year’s album. The other song we’ve started on is the ever-growing „Falling Of Your Throne“ and we’ll be finally recording the fully-fledged „Warm“ (which is already far more advanced than the brief glimpse on the „Sketch Book“ c.d.) and, what I believe will be a new Chills classic BIG POP SONG (like „Heavenly Pop Hit“ etc) „Molten Gold“ but I still need to finalise the structure and lyrics for that one. Sometimes, sadly, it’s these big hopeful songs that just don’t quite make it in
the end. I still very much regret that the song „Ocean Ocean“ on the „Soft Bomb“ album was nowhere near the huge pounding aquatic expanse of a song that it needed to be and, likewise from that same very difficult album project, the song „Double Summer“ just didn’t get there in the end. Those two join the small list of songs I intend re-recording someday. I don’t believe in going back and trying to fix mistakes generally but there are exceptions – like re-mixing the „Brave Words“ album – it WILL happen, but it’s obviously not a high priority compared to the need for new material.
So – the band is playing well but, after a disappointing turnout for our last live gig at Arc (only about 50 payers and less than half the guest list bothering to show) which ended up costing me a couple of hundred dollars to do, I think we won’t be performing as much until we have new material to promote. I know it’s overdue – I can’t keep apologising or explaining but I must say that the idea of hardship spawning great art is fine to a point – when you find your days and all your limited energy taken up with trying to solve financial hassles for years on end it just doesn’t become a positive creative experience. But still – we’re moving forward.
No promises but I really expect to see us touring internationally next year with one of the finest albums ever to be released by The Chills – but we could truly use some financial support in the interim to achieve this. I’m thankful that we have one of the most intelligent and kind fan-bases of any band I know and I am determined that you will not be disappointed, but I don’t want our fans trying to find the necessary money. Some of you have offered and it’s so thoughtful but I’d feel terrible about taking money in that way and there is a whole industry out there living off musicians and, surely, someone within that industry must see the worth in investing to make a lot more quality music a reality?. I know that ideally the d.i.y. approach would be preferable but it’s just too slow and inefficient for a band based in this part of the world, no longer in their enthusiastic early
Open letter von MartinPhillipps….years and prepared to suffer soul destroying hardships on the road etc for their art – not to mention all that time away from ones l
oved ones. But there are arts grants etc available so something will happen and we know we have something special as a band – I’ve said it before but it’s not just hype! This is one of the best EVER Chills, the chemistry, personalities, creativity – and we’re only just beginning to realise what we’re capable of! Exciting times! See you in the real world a.s.a.p., take care you warm (but strong), wise (yet fun-loving) wonderful people! Extra special thanks, as always, to the brilliant Andy Holt for the wonderful website – tell two friends tomorrow! If I don’t contact you again before the end of the year, please have a great festive season and a safe new year.
Stay cool, Martin Phillipps, The Chills, Dunedin. Early December 2002
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LARS ist nur eine Abkürzung: Like A Rollin' Stone
AnonymInaktivRegistriert seit: 01.01.1970
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dann wirds aber zeit…! :D
der mann macht schon sooviele jahre wunderbarste musik…war sehr krank ( folgen von drogen )….und versucht jetzt wieder fuss zu fassen…aber das geld, jaja…das fehlt halt überall…--
ich sag nur: i love my leather jackett (o.s.ä.) und vieles andere
ich muss gestehen, dass ich sie damals den go betweens vorgezogen habe.
FAVOURITESIch lass es mal auf einen Versuch ankommen, schaden kann es sicherlich nicht.
LARS ist nur eine Abkürzung: Like A Rollin' StoneDear Softies… da bin ich wieder hin und weg… nach all den Jahren…
Wenn wir schon alles falsch machen, dann wenigstens richtig.auch eine band die ich den smith`s vorziehe :D
Captain Beefheart to audience: Is everyone feeling all right? Audience: Yeahhhhh!!! awright...!!! Captain Beefheart: That's not a soulful question, that's a medical question. It's too hot in here.auch eine band die ich den smith`s vorziehe :D
Wenn wir schon alles falsch machen, dann wenigstens richtig.also, die chills habe ich in der ersten hälfte der achtziger mal in hannover gesehen und an diesem abend waren sie für mich „die beste band der welt“, einige jahre später in bochum war dem leider nicht mehr so, aber die smith waren das niemals nicht für mich. :D
Captain Beefheart to audience: Is everyone feeling all right? Audience: Yeahhhhh!!! awright...!!! Captain Beefheart: That's not a soulful question, that's a medical question. It's too hot in here.
AnonymInaktivRegistriert seit: 01.01.1970
Beiträge: 0
april/mai solls eine neue cdep geben… :)
april/mai solls eine neue cdep geben… :)
Unter dem Namen The Chills? Woher hast du die Info?
Wenn wir schon alles falsch machen, dann wenigstens richtig.
AnonymInaktivRegistriert seit: 01.01.1970
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wird entweder unter dem namen the chills oder martin phillipps & the chills veröffentlicht..wenn dnn alles klappt..soll es zu weihnachten ( um und bei) ein ganzes album geben..aber das ist sicher noch ein langer weg…die infos habe ich von martin phillipps himself…und der muß es ja wissen :D
Zu wünschen wäre ihnen bzw. Martin Phillips solch ein grandioses Comeback wie den Go-Betweens, die ja beide alleine schon die achtziger musikhistorisch gerettet haben :D
Captain Beefheart to audience: Is everyone feeling all right? Audience: Yeahhhhh!!! awright...!!! Captain Beefheart: That's not a soulful question, that's a medical question. It's too hot in here.
AnonymInaktivRegistriert seit: 01.01.1970
Beiträge: 0
So ist es gewesen, auf den Namen des Schuppens bin ich nicht mehr gekommen, damals war ich ja noch ein Besucher in der Provinzhauptstadt :D und die Achtziger werden natürlich total fehleingeschätzt von denen, die sich damals nicht um „gute Mucke“ gekümmert haben :)
Captain Beefheart to audience: Is everyone feeling all right? Audience: Yeahhhhh!!! awright...!!! Captain Beefheart: That's not a soulful question, that's a medical question. It's too hot in here. -
Schlagwörter: Neuseeland
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