Startseite › Foren › Fave Raves: Die definitiven Listen › „Sterne an“ – das nüchterne Bewertungsforum › Sonic Youth
Evol * * *
Goo * * * *--
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WerbungSister ***
Daydream nation ***1/2
Goo ****
Dirty ***
Washing machine ***--
Jetzt schon 62 Jahre Rock 'n' RollSonic Youth (EP) **1/2
Confusion is Sex ****
Evol ****
Sister ****1/2
Daydream Nation *****
Goo ****
Dirty ****
Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star ***
Washing Machine ****1/2
A Thousand Leaves ****
Murray Street ****
Sonic Nurse ***1/2
Rather Ripped ***1/2--
To Hell with Poverty1) Sister
2) Daydream Nation
3) Goo
4) Evol
5) Dirty (Deluxe Edition)
6) Confusion is Sex
7) Washing Machine
8) Murray Street
9) SYR 1
10) Bad Moon RisingAnmerkung: Eine gute Liste. Ich würde aber Washing Machine etwas vorziehen und Confusion is Sex weiter nach hinten schieben (harter Stoff).
Avoid these:
SYR 3 („simply tries the patience“)
SYR 4 – Goodbye 20th Century („exhausting“)
NYC Ghosts & Flowers („showcases musicians playing beside each other, rather than with each other“)--
To Hell with PovertySister ***1/2
Daydream Nation ****1/2
Goo ****
Dirty *****
Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star ***1/2
Washing Machine ****
A Thousand Leaves ***1/2
Murray Street ****
Sonic Nurse *****--
Murray Street ****
Sister ***
Daydream nation ***1/2
Goo ****
Dirty ****
Experimental Jet Set, Trash & No Star **1/2
Washing machine ***--
Daydream Nation ****
Goo ****
Dirty *****
Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star ***
Washing Machine ****1/2
A Thousand Leaves ** 1/2
NYC Ghosts & Flowers *** 1/2
Murray Street **** 1/2
Sonic Nurse ****--
Sonic Youth (ep) ***
Bad Moon Rising ***
Evol ***1/2
Sister ****1/2
Daydream Nation *****
Goo ****
Dirty ****
Murray Street ***1/2--
i don't care about the girls, i don't wanna see the world, i don't care if i'm all alone, as long as i can listen to the Ramones (the dubrovniks)Evol – ***1/2
Sister – ****
Ciccione Youth – The Whitey Album – ****
Goo – ****1/2
Dirty – ****
Experimental Jet Set, Trash and no star – ****
Made in USA – ***1/2
Washing Machine – ****1/2
A Thousand Leaves – ****--
Sonic Youth **
Confusion is Sex ***1/2
Kill Yr. Idols **1/2
Bad Moon Rising ***
Evol ****
Sister *****
Daydream Nation ****1/2
Goo ****1/2
Dirty ****1/2
Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star ***1/2
Washing Machine ***
A Thousand Leaves ****1/2
NYC Ghosts & Flowers ***1/2
Murray Street ****
Sonic Nurse ***1/2--
Rather Ripped ***1/2
Made in USA ***Ciccone Youth – The Whitey Album **1/2
Sister ****
Daydream nation ****1/2
Goo ****1/2
Dirty ****
Washing machine ***1/2Leider hat mich noch kein anderes Album von ihnen überzeugt. Trotzdem bleiben 5 sehr gute Platten übrig die man haben sollte!
Der Teufel ist ein Optimist, wenn er glaubt, dass er die Menschen schlechter machen kann. "Fackel" - Karl Kraus(Sonic Youth)
Sonic Youth ***
Confusion Is Sex ***
Kill Yr Idols ***1/2
Bad Moon Rising ***1/2
Evol ****1/2
Sister *****
Daydream Nation *****
Hold That Tiger ****
Sonic Death **1/2
Goo ***1/2
Dirty ***
Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star ****
Live in Holland ***
Made In USA ***1/2
Washing Machine ****1/2
SYR1 – Anagrama ****1/2
SYR2 – Slaapkamers met Slagroom ****
SYR3 – Invito Al Cielo ***1/2
A Thousand Leaves ****1/2
Silver Session For Jason Knuth **
SYR4 – Goodbye 20th Century ***
SYR5 – Kim Gordon / Ikue Mori / DJ Olive ***1/2
NYC Ghosts & Flowers ****
Murray Street ****1/2
In The Fishtank (ohne Wertung)
Sonic Nurse ****
SYR6 – Koncertas Stan Brakhage Prisiminimui ****
Rather Ripped ***1/2(Thurston Moore)
Barefoot In The Head ***
Klangfarbenmelodie…and The Colorist Strikes Primitiv ****
Psychic Hearts ****1/2
Piece for Jetsun Dolma ***
Please Just Leave Me (my Paul Desmond) **1/2
Root **
Kapotte Muziek by Thurston Moore **(Lee Ronaldo)
From Here > Infinity **1/2
Scriptures of the Golden Eternity *****
East Jesus (Some Recordings 1981-1991) ****
Amarillo Ramp (for Robert Smithson) ****1/2
Clouds **
Dirty Windows ***
Oasis Of Whispers ****
Four Guitars Live ****1/2 (ist im Stande noch zu wachsen. Ich bin immer wieder fasziniert von Ronaldos Output, der in seiner Hauptband immer sehr zurückhaltend wirkt und meiner Meinung nach der beste Musiker von Sonic Youth ist.)(Free Kitten – Kim Gordon mit Mark Ibold von Pavement und)
Nice Ass ***1/2
Sentimental Education ***(Ciccone Youth – mit J. Mascis)
Whitey Album ****--
Schlagwörter: Sonic Youth
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