Startseite › Foren › Die Tonträger: Aktuell und Antiquariat › Aktuelle Platten › Saul Williams – The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust!
Am 1. November wird das neue Saul Williams-Album The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust! erscheinen, und zwar vorerst sehr ähnlich wie Radioheads In Rainbows. Allerdings wurde das Konzept des Online-Releases um zwei entscheidende Details verbessert:
– Wer nix zahlt, bekommt mp3 mit 192kBit/s, wer $5 abdrückt, kann zwischen mp3 mit 192 und 320kBit/s oder FLAC-Dateien in CD-Qualität wählen.
– Artwork und Lyrics sind als PDF dabei.Ausserdem kann man zur Zahlung zwischen Kreditkarte und PayPal wählen, was sicher nicht die ungeschickteste aller Ideen ist.
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Zur Musik: wenn ich mir die an der Produktion beteiligten Namen anschaue, weiß ich eigentlich nur, dass das hier ganz bestimmt kein handelsübliches Hip Hop / Rap-Album wird, auch wenn Saul Williams sowieso schon auf den beiden vorherigen Alben sein ganz eigenes Süppchen gekocht hat.
Written and performed by Saul Williams
with Trent Reznor, CX Kidtronik, Thavius Beck and more.Produced by Trent Reznor
Mixed By Alan Moulder
Mastered by Brian „Big Bass“ Gardner
Engineering / programming: Atticus RossTracklist:
1. Black History Month
2. Convict Colony
3. Tr(n)igger
4. Sunday Bloody Sunday
5. Break
6. NiggyTardust
7. DNA
8. WTF!
9. Scared Money
10. Raw
11. Skin of a Drum
12. No One Ever Does
13. Banged and Blown Through
14. Raised to be Lowered
15. The RitualMein linker Zeigezeh signalisiert mir, dass das entweder ganz grosses Tennis oder furchtbarer Käse wird. Also wie immer, wenn der Herr Reznor seine Fingerchen so massiv im Spiel hat. Dass ich auf den 1. November wie ein Flitzebogen gespannt bin, dürfte klar sein…
Edit: Saul hat noch ein paar Sätze zum Album parat.
forum @ wrote:The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust! is the lovechild of me and Trent Reznor. I met Trent when he asked me to fill the opening slot of his European With Teeth tour. After only the 2nd show he asked if I might be down to collaborate on a song or album, whatever I saw fit. At the time we were both listening to the Kanye/Jon Brion collaborations and feeling like a cocktail of our two worlds would fare even more interesting…and harder. Since then, Trent Reznor has become the big brother I never had, offering his insight, expertise, and shared desire to fuck up the system while believing fully in the power of music and the intelligence of the masses. What we both first realized we had in common was a deep love of Public Enemy and their Bomb Squad production, which personally served as the backdrop of my adolescence and fueled the fire that matured my vision of the sort of artist I wanted to be. A lot of people get caught up on my lyrics and poetry, but my writing is always founded on beats and polyrhythmic backdrops. My background as a dancer (I used to dance for a rap group in ATL in the early 90s) has always made me crave hard rhythms. Through Public Enemy I discovered that my ability to dance somehow improved when I truly felt the power of the words. This album captures everything I have aimed for in a song. Of course, as a performer, what truly inspires me is the opportunity to perform them live. The Niggytardust concept sets me free to do more on stage with costume, etc. than one might expect from a regular Saul Williams show. It allows me to put my theatre training to use. I’ve also thought long and hard about all the discussion surrounding racial epithets etc. and chose this title as a means of furthering the dialogue while also showing how creativity will outlive and outshine hatred of any kind.The album would not have been possible without the collaborative spirit Trent and the other artists involved: CX Kidtronik and Thavius Beck brought beats and fire to the vision, energizing the process with blown amps and head-nodding cramps. Atticus Ross engineered and programmed. Alan Moulder is sonic testimony from headphone to full blown that the very rocks will cry out if you work with the right engineer.
I’m also collaborating with visual artists and designers as part of the whole NiggyTardust concept and presentation. Melody Ehsani designed Tardust jewelry, bracelets, rings. necklaces, etc. and also did the cover layout. Angelbert Metoyer has contributed greatly to the visual aesthetic with paintings and soon to be finished set design for the shows.
As far as the way we’ve decided to release the album, we’re aware that it’s pretty risky, but are even more aware that we cant turn to the so-called powers that be of the industry for answers. Someone has got to be willing to take chances. I was very inspired by the recent Radiohead release and felt compelled, almost instantly, to follow my gut and expand on their concept. Obviously, independent artists have been around for years. My indie film, Slam was in fact what opened so many doors for me. yet, the stigma of being an indie artist in the music world hasn’t always been rewarding. This time I feel different. I feel like the times have conspired to make this album an important part of history.
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WerbungEinen Song gibt’s vorab zu hören:
TR @ the spiral
10/25/07 : a mysterious link appears…
Current Mood: Confused
Currently Listening to: BREAK
An die Mods hier: dieser Torrentlink wurde von Trent Reznor im NIN-Fanclub in seinem dortigen Blog veröffentlicht. Noch offizieller abgesegnet geht gar nicht, also bitte nicht rauslöschen. Pirate Bay ist schon lange das Outlet seiner Wahl, um Fans Zückerchen zukommen zu lassen
Achtung Mods, „Teitan“ = Trent Reznors Nick im ETS-Forum. Der legt seine Köder wirklich in jedem Mauseloch aus
Goddamn pirates!
Track #3: Tr(n)igger. Public Enemy wo man hinhört und ein lecker fetter Beat für heftiges Kopfnicken. Könnte bitte gleich der 1.11. sein?
Ich lade mir gerade das Album runter.Ich bin mal gespannt ob ich damit was anfangen kann.Saul Williams ist so ziemlich der erste und einzigste Hip Hop Künstler den ich mir anhören kann ohne das es mich graust.
Wer Angst vor Downloads hat und deshalb diesem Prachtstück von Album bislang nicht einmal ein halbes Ohr geliehen hat, kann dies ab dem 24. Juni 08 nachholen. Dann wird zumindest die CD zum angrabschen, knuddeln und liebhaben veröffentlicht. KLICKEDIKLICK!
Edit: als Vinyl wird es den Niggy auch geben.
Ausserdem hier die Titel der Bonustracks (CD & Vinyl):
16. Pedagogue of Young Gods
17. World on Wheels
18. Can’t Hide Love
19. Gunshots by Computer (im Orginal bereits auf “Y34RZ3R0 R3MIX3D“)
20. List of Demands (Reparations) (im Orginal bereits auf “Saul Williams“)Die zusätzliche Info kommt von – merci dafür!
Schlagwörter: Download, HipHop, Nine Inch Nails, Saul Williams, Trent Reznor
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