Startseite › Foren › Fave Raves: Die definitiven Listen › „Sterne an“ – das nüchterne Bewertungsforum › Track by Track: Alben unter der Lupe › Ryan Adams – Love Is Hell
Ich bewerte hier beide Teile, da sie auch inzwischen auf einer CD veröffentlicht wurden:
Part 1
1. Political Scientist ****1/2
2. Afraid Not Scared *****
3. This House is Not for Sale *****
4. Love Is Hell ****1/2
5. Wonderwall ****
6. The Shadowlands ****1/2
7. Avalanche *****
8. World War 24 *****
9. Caterwaul ****1/2
10. Halloween *****Part 2
1. My Blue Manhattan ****1/2
2. Please Do Not Let Me Go ****1/2
3. City Rain, City Streets *****
4. I See Monsters *****
5. English Girls *****
6. Thank You Louise *****
7. Hotel Chelsea Nights ****1/2
8. Fuck the Universe ***
9. Twice As Bad As Love *****Part 1: 4,7 *****
Part 2: 4,6 ****1/2gesamt: 4,65 trotzdem *****
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Werbung1. Political Scientist ****1/2
2. Afraid Not Scared *****
3. This House is Not for Sale *****
4. Love Is Hell ***1/2
5. Wonderwall *****
6. The Shadowlands *****
7. Avalanche *****
8. World War 24 *****
9. Caterwaul ****
10. Halloween *****1. My Blue Manhattan *****
2. Please Do Not Let Me Go ****
3. City Rain, City Streets ****1/2
4. I See Monsters *****
5. English Girls *****
6. Thank You Louise *****
7. Hotel Chelsea Nights *****
8. Fuck the Universe ***
9. Twice As Bad As Love ****Durchschnitt ist egal. *****
1. Political Scientist ****1/2
2. Afraid Not Scared ****
3. This House is Not for Sale ****
4. Love Is Hell ****
5. Wonderwall *****
6. The Shadowlands *****
7. Avalanche *****
8. World War 24 *****
9. Caterwaul *****
10. Halloween *****1. My Blue Manhattan ****1/2
2. Please Do Not Let Me Go *****
3. City Rain, City Streets ****1/2
4. I See Monsters ****
5. English Girls ****
6. Thank You Louise ****
7. Hotel Chelsea Nights ****--
and now we rise and we are everywhereTop 5 (alle *****)
01. The Shadowlands
02. Avalanche
03. English Girls Approx.
04. I See Monsters
05. Please Do Not Let Me Go****1/2
06. Political Scientist
07. Hotel Chelsea Nights
08. World War 24
09. Wonderwall
10. Afraid Not Scared
11. My Blue Manhattan
12. Thank You Lousie****
13. This House Is Not For Sale
14. City Rain, City Strets
15. Love Is HellBonustracks
1. Halloween ****1/2
2. Fuck The Universe ****
3. Caterwaul ****
4. Twice As Bad As Love ***1/2--
"i tell all my friends that i'm bound for heaven, and if it ain't so you can't blame me for living" Thank You, Jason!Political Scientist *****
Afraid Not Scared **** 1/2
This House Is Not For Sale ****
Love Is Hell *** 1/2
Wonderwall **** 1/2
The Shadowlands *****
Avalanche *****
World War 24 *****Caterwaul ****
Halloween *****My Blue Manhattan **** 1/2
Please Do Not Let Me Go *****
City Rain, City Streets **** 1/2
I See Monsters *****
English Girls *****
Thank You Louise *****
Hotel Chelsea Nights *****Fuck The Universe ****
Twice As Bad As Love ****Pt. 1 4,55 = **** 1/2
Pt. 2 4,77 = *****--
The Good Times Are Killing MeTeil 1
1. Political Scientist **** 1/2
2. Afraid Not Scared **** 1/2
3. This House Is Not For Sale *****
4. Love Is Hell **** 1/2
5. Wonderwall *****
6. The Shadowlands *****
7. Avalanche *****
8. World War 24 *** 1/2
9. Caterwaul *** 1/2
10. Halloween **** 1/2Teil 2
1. My Blue Manhattan **** 1/2
2. Please Do Not Let Me Go *****
3. City Rain, City Streets ****
4. I See Monsters *****
5. English Girls Approximately *****
6. Thank You Louise *****
7. Hotel Chelsea Nights **** 1/2
8. Fuck the Universe **
9. Twice As Bad As Love **Das komplette Album
„Love Is Hell“-Bewertungen siehe oben, dazu kommt dann noch
Anybody Wanna Take Me Home **** 1/2Teil 1: Viereinhalb Sterne. Teil 2: Vier Sterne. (Die europäischen Bonus-Sachen in beiden Fällen mit berücksichtigt.) Die beiden Teile zusammen als das inzwischen ebenfalls erhältliche 16-Song-Album ohne die Bonus Tracks bekommt dann von mir (rein rechnerisch) viereinhalb Sterne. Locker.
„Kreuzberg ist so hart, dass sogar die Steine sagen: Wir sind zu weich für die Strasse. So hart ist Kreuzberg.“ (Catee)Part 1
1. Political Scientist *****(aber nur weil Lieblingslied meiner Freundin, sonst ***1/2)
2. Afraid Not Scared ***1/2
3. This House is Not for Sale *****
4. Love Is Hell *****
5. Wonderwall ****1/2
6. The Shadowlands *****
7. Avalanche ****
8. World War 24 ***1/2
9. Caterwaul ****
10. Halloween ****
Part 2
1. My Blue Manhattan ****1/2
2. Please Do Not Let Me Go ****
3. City Rain, City Streets *****
4. I See Monsters *****
5. English Girls *****
6. Thank You Louise ****
7. Hotel Chelsea Nights *****
8. Fuck the Universe ***
9. Twice As Bad As Love ****1/2Mathe war ich noch nie gut, darum *****
[indent] Life is Art. Art is Life. But have you met my wife? (Robert Forster) [/indent][/color]
AnonymInaktivRegistriert seit: 01.01.1970
Beiträge: 0
Part 1
1. Political Scientist *****
2. Afraid Not Scared *****
3. This House is Not for Sale ****1/2
4. Love Is Hell ****
5. Wonderwall ****
6. The Shadowlands *****
7. Avalanche *****
8. World War 24 ****
9. Caterwaul ****
10. Halloween ****Part 2
1. My Blue Manhattan ***
2. Please Do Not Let Me Go ***
3. City Rain, City Streets ****
4. I See Monsters ****1/2
5. English Girls ***1/2
6. Thank You Louise ***
7. Hotel Chelsea Nights ***
8. Fuck the Universe ***
9. Twice As Bad As Love ***1/2--
Originally posted by O`Malley@7 Oct 2004, 08:09
Part 2
1. My Blue Manhattan ***
2. Please Do Not Let Me Go ***
3. City Rain, City Streets ****
4. I See Monsters ****1/2
5. English Girls ***1/2
6. Thank You Louise ***
7. Hotel Chelsea Nights ***
8. Fuck the Universe ***
9. Twice As Bad As Love ***1/2Kein Fan der Part II???
[indent] Life is Art. Art is Life. But have you met my wife? (Robert Forster) [/indent][/color]
AnonymInaktivRegistriert seit: 01.01.1970
Beiträge: 0
Leider nein. Die hohe Qualität von Part 1 bleibt unerreicht!
Part 1
1. Political Scientist ****
2. Afraid Not Scared **1/2
3. This House is Not for Sale ***1/2
4. Love Is Hell ***
5. Wonderwall ****
6. The Shadowlands ****1/2
7. Avalanche ***1/2
8. World War 24 ***1/2
9. Caterwaul **
10. Halloween ****Part 2
1. My Blue Manhattan ****
2. Please Do Not Let Me Go ***1/2
3. City Rain, City Streets ***
4. I See Monsters ****1/2
5. English Girls ****
6. Thank You Louise ****
7. Hotel Chelsea Nights ***
8. Fuck the Universe *1/2
9. Twice As Bad As Love **Fazit: viele verpasste Gelegenheiten, schöne Songs (zB Twice As Bad As Love, Thank U Louise, Hotel Chelsea Nights) wirklich gut einzuspielen.
Deshalb „nur“ ****1. Political Scientist ***1/2
2. Afraid Not Scared ***1/2
3. This House is Not for Sale ****
4. Anybody Wanna Take Me Home ****1/2
5. Love Is Hell ***
6. Wonderwall ***1/2
7. The Shadowlands *****
8. World War 24 ****
9. Avalanche ****1/2
10. My Blue Manhattan ***1/2
11. Please Do Not Let Me Go ***1/2
12. City Rain, City Streets ***
13. I See Monsters ***1/2
14. English Girls ****1/2
15. Thank You Louise ***
16. Hotel Chelsea Nights ****Der Mann wird überschätzt, aber immerhin ist LIH um Klassen besser als das desaströse Rock’n’Roll. Knappe ****.
Es gibt 2 Arten von Menschen: Die einen haben geladene Revolver, die anderen buddeln.Pt. 1
Political scientist *****
Afraid not scared ****1/2
This house is not for sale ****
Love is hell ****
Wonderwall ****1/2
The shadowlands ****1/2
World war 24 *****
Avalanche ****1/2
Caterwaul ***1/2
Halloween ****Pt. 2
My blue Manhattan ***1/2
Please do not let me go ****1/2
City rain, city streets ****
I see monsters ****1/2
English girls approximately ****
Thank you Louise ***1/2
Hotel Chelsea Nights *****
Fuck the universe *1/2
Twice as bad as love *1/2insgesamt ****, wobei ich Pt. 1 vorziehe. die Bonus-Tracks auf Pt. 2 sind nicht mal erbarmenswert.
there's room at the top they are telling you still but first you must learn how to smile as you killPolitical Scientist ****1/2
Afraid Not Scared ****1/2
This House Is Not For Sale ***1/2
Love Is Hell ***1/2Wonderwall ****
Shadowlands ****1/2
World War 24 ****1/2
Avalanche *****My Blue Manhattan ****1/2
Please Do Not Let Me Go ****1/2
City Rain, City Streets ****1/2
I See Monsters ****1/2English Girls Approximately ****
Thank You Louise ****
Hotel Chelsea Nights ****1/2Schnitt: 4,3
Wertung ****1/2Hab ziemlich lange gebraucht um dieses Album zu moegen.
Arise now, ye Tarnished/Ye dead, who yet live/ The call of long-lost grace speaks to us allErst mal Part 1. Den zweiten Teil muss ich wieder ausgiebig hören. Wird demnächst nachgeholt.
01. Political scientist ****
02. Afraid not scared ****1/2
03. This house is not for sale ****
04. Love is hell ****1/2
05. Wonderwall ****
06. The shadowlands ****
07. World war 24 *****
08. Avalanche *****
09. Caterwaul ***
10. Halloween ****Gesamt: ****
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Schlagwörter: 2003, Lost Highway, Love Is Hell, Ryan Adams
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