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Quantic Presenta Flowering Inferno – 1000 Watts (Tru Thoughts, 2016)
01 Spring Tank Fire
02 A Life Worth Living feat. U-Roy & Alice Russell
03 Homeward Bound
04 Ikey’s Vibe
05 Shuffle Them Shoes feat. Hollie Cook
06 Dusk
07 El Disorden
08 1000 Watts feat. Christopher Ellis
09 Chambacu feat. Nidia Gongora
10 Night Shade
11 Macondo
12 Flowering Theme
13 Striding On Grand St.
14 All I Do Is Think About You feat. Christopher Ellis
15 Night Shade (Dub) [Bonus Track]Das letztjährige A New Constellation war ok aber nicht der große Wurf. Nun reaktiviert Quantic sein Flowering Inferno Projekt und veröffentlicht mit 1000 Watts das 3. Album, das am 13.05.2016 erscheint und sich einmal mehr den Reggae Roots widmet.
Tru Thoughts wrote:The third album from the tropical dub-infused Quantic Presenta Flowering Inferno project, ‘1000 Watts’ sees musical explorer Will “Quantic” Holland making a more concerted foray into pure reggae-roots territory. Recorded direct to tape, the LP draws together a set of classic style rhythms for the dancefloor, and for this outing Holland enlisted the most prestigious roll-call of guest performers yet. Alongside U-Roy and Alice Russell, the featured artists include popular reggae singers Hollie Cook and Christopher Ellis; the late, great keyboard maestro Ikey Owens (whose tragic 2014 passing followed a career working with everyone from Run The Jewels to The Mars Volta to Jack White); and legendary Jamaican drummer Santa Davis, known for his work with the likes of Bob Marley and The Aggravators.--
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Werbung -
Schlagwörter: Quantic, Will Holland
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