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  • #616705  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 09.01.2007

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    Hier kann man sich den Verkehr am Hampton Coliseum anschauen

    schicke mir bitte einen Satelliten-Feed auf meinen PDA.
    >>> Coliseum Drive & HRCC North, Hampton VA


    Free Jazz doesn't seem to care about getting paid, it sounds like truth. (Henry Rollins, Jan. 2013)
    Highlights von
    #616707  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.02.2009

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    Es ist Breitling, scheiß auf deine Aldi-Uhr / Auf meinem nächstem Cover halt ich das Excalibur
    #616709  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.02.2009

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    Es geht los :laola0: :lala:

    Set 1:

    Divided Sky
    Chalk Dust Torture
    Sample in a Jar
    I didn’t know (Trey an den Drums)
    Oh Kee Pa Ceremony >
    Suzy Greenberg
    Train Song
    Water In The Sky (langsame Version)
    The Squirming Coil

    Ich denke mal nach Coil sollte Setbreak sein, geh jetzt jedenfalls schlafen. Freu mich die Show nachm Aufstehn anzuhören und bin gespannt was da noch alles im 2. Set kommt.


    Es ist Breitling, scheiß auf deine Aldi-Uhr / Auf meinem nächstem Cover halt ich das Excalibur
    #616711  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 09.01.2007

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    Hampton Coliseum
    Hampton VA

    Set 1
    Fluffhead (16:17)
    The Divided Sky (14:11)
    Chalk Dust Torture (7:28)
    Sample In A Jar (6:06)
    Stash (12:22)
    I Didn’t Know (4:03)
    The Oh Kee Pa Ceremony (1:49)
    Suzy Greenberg (5:42)
    Farmhouse ((5:21)
    NICU (5:09)
    Horn (3:44)
    Rift (6:25)
    Train Song (3:15)
    Water In The Sky (Slow Version) (3:59)
    The Squirming Coil (7:30)
    David Bowie (10:29)

    Set 2
    Backwards Down The Number Line (7:09)
    Tweezer (12:50)
    Taste (9:21)
    Possum (8:25)
    Theme From The Bottom (8:39)
    First Tube (7:19)
    Harry Hood (13:54)
    Waste (5:35)
    You Enjoy Myself (21:28)

    Grind (1:58)
    Bouncing Around The Room (3.58)
    Loving Cup (7:09)


    Free Jazz doesn't seem to care about getting paid, it sounds like truth. (Henry Rollins, Jan. 2013)
    #616713  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.02.2009

    Beiträge: 16,081

    Oh, da kam ja noch was nach Squirming Coil.
    Höre grad die Mp3s. Phish is back!!


    Es ist Breitling, scheiß auf deine Aldi-Uhr / Auf meinem nächstem Cover halt ich das Excalibur
    #616715  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 28.08.2002

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    boah, 28 Songs! ein 2 Stunden first set! und eine richtige old school Setlist. Der einzige Song, auf den sie hätten verzichten können, ist Suzy Greenberg. Ansonsten – es wird noch besser! Ghost, 2001 etc kommen hoffentlich ja noch.


    RAUSCHEN Akustische Irritationen aus Folk, Jazz & beyond. Jeden 2. und 4. Dienstag, 19 Uhr. Auf Tide 96.0.[/URL]
    #616717  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 09.01.2007

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    Fishman am Staubsauger auf „I Didn’t Know“. :lol:


    The Phish Report Night 1: Disco Balls, Vacuum Solos and “Fluffhead”
    By Mike Greenhaus

    Phish surprised many by returning to the stage for the first time since August, 2004 with an on-point rendition the Junta epic “Fluffhead”— a fan favorite which had not been played since September 29, 2000, despite considerable urging from fans throughout the post-hiatus period. The move sent a direct message to fans that “Phish 3.0”—as many have affectionately dubbed the group—is not the unrehearsed, unresponsive band that toured from 2002-2004. The group also reconnected to its roots by returning to its classic pre-1999 stage configuration, with all four musicians positioned in an equal line near the front of the stage.

    Helping restore the group’s playful nature, Phish employed three of its best known onstage gags at various points throughout the night: Jon Fishman took a vacuum solo while Trey Anastasio played drums during “I Didn’t Know” partway through set one, Anastasio and Mike Gordon debuted a new pair of trampolines during “You Enjoy Myself” at the climax of set two and all four musicians offered up a barbershop quartet version of the Undermind ditty “Grind” during their encore. The short, quirky song, whose only live reading took place on December 30, 1998, is the lone song from a post-hiatus recording the group played during its 28-song performance.

    In sharp contrast to Phish’s later years of 1997-2004, most of the group’s first set was filled with long form epics like “The Divided Sky,” “Oh Kee Pa Ceremony,” “Squirming Coil” and “David Bowie,” which favor multi-part compositional structures over the loose, funky improvisation that defined most of Phish’s arena years. The band did showcase its jamming abilities on a few occasions, however, particularly “Stash” and the latter portion of the set-closing “David Bowie.” Other first set highlights included a straight-ahead “Chalkdust Torture,” some synthesizer work from Page McConnell on “Suzy Greenberg,” an extended, percussion-heavy “Rift” and a slowed down take on “Water in the Sky” reminiscent of the song’s pre-Story of the Ghost incarnation.

    The Vermont Quartet loosened up musical a bit second set, opening with the new Trey Anastasio/Tom Marshall original “Backwards Down The Number Line,” perhaps the only song of the night that lacked an arena-size echo. The group then launched into a long, dark “Tweezer” that placed particular emphasis on Gordon’s thick, funky bass lines and eventually uncoiled into the Latin-flavored “Taste.” The rest of the set was filled with crowd-favorites like the sing-a-long “Possum,” the euphoric “Theme from the Bottom” (which found longtime lighting director Chris Kuroda washing the room in purples lights that matched the hue of Gordon’s pants), an extremely groove-heavy “First Tube” (with Anastasio making use of his signature delay loop from 1999-2000), a short glowstick skirmish during Harry Hood and the Billy Breathes ballad “Waste.” Though Phish was clearly firing on all cylinders all night, the band flubbed the start of “You Enjoy Myself” and quickly restarted the trademark number, as they did when they returned to Hampton for the first time post-hiatus. Anastasio also missed the word “god” in the lyrical segment “boy, man, god, shit,” but joking changed the last part of the phrase to “god shit.”

    Throughout the night, Kuroda also showed off several new light toys, including a group of large white balls that were released into the crowd during “Bouncing Around the Room” and a series of small disco balls that lit up partway through “Harry Hood.”

    The night finally came to a close with a cover of the Rolling Stones’ “Loving Cup,” a showcase for McConnell’s work on the baby grand piano. Relix and will be reporting from Hampton, VA once again this evening.


    March 6, Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA

    Set I: Fluffhead*, The Divided Sky, Chalkdust Torture, Sample in a Jar, Stash, I Didn’t Know#, Oh Kee Pa Ceremony > Suzy Greenberg, Farmhouse, NICU, Horn, Rift, Train Song, Water in the Sky, Squirming Coil, David Bowie

    II: Backwards Down The Number Line^, Tweezer, Taste, Possum, Theme from the Bottom, First Tube, Harry Hood, Waste, You Enjoy Myself

    E: Grind**, Bouncing Around the Room, Loving Cup

    * Last played 9/28/2000

    # with Trey on drums

    ^New original

    ** Last played 12/30/98


    The Phish Report Night 1: „About Last Night“
    By Charlie Dirksen

    Believe the hype, Phish is back. The electrified Hampton Coliseum bore witness to more than three and a half hours of music last night, including an already legendary hour and fifty-three minute first set. Phish’s triumphant return featured songs spanning the entirety of their career, as well as an awe-inspiring light show. For those who believed Phish had wronged them at Coventry, all was forgiven.

    While a critical review would undoubtedly note that “YEM” had to be restarted due to error (once again, as at Coventry), and that Trey’s allegiance to the tricky compositions of most of the songs wasn’t always present, the bottom line is that Phish played beautifully overall. For example, they basically nailed “Grind,” the complex, a capella first encore tune (from the album Undermind), towards the end of the long night, which in itself was a remarkable feat, but the “jamming tunes” that Phish played – the “Stash,” “Tweezer,” “YEM” and “Harry” in particular – all contained the familiar artistry that you have come to love. Even “YEM’s” vocal jam was practically a retrospective on the styles of vocal-jamming featured in “YEM” over the last twenty years. It was just that kind of night. You can download the show on MP3 for free from, and you should listen for yourself. Maybe you, too, will fall in love with Phish again.

    Charlie Dirksen first saw Phish on October 6, 1989. He is an antitrust lawyer in San Francisco who also sits on the Board of The Mockingbird Foundation, an all-volunteer 501( c)(3) started by Phish fans that has raised and distributed more than $600,000 for music education.


    Free Jazz doesn't seem to care about getting paid, it sounds like truth. (Henry Rollins, Jan. 2013)
    #616719  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 28.08.2002

    Beiträge: 7,179

    Well, Phish sind zurück, und sie sind gut, aber von Topform kann natürlich nicht die Rede sein. Es gibt kaum segues von einem Song in den nächsten, die Jams sind eher kurz und zahm (und wo ist das wunderschöne minutenlange Klaviercoda von Squirming Coil?) und Trey versaut einige wichtige Passagen, zB in Divided Sky oder am Anfang von David Bowie. „Backwards Down“ ist bei weitem nicht unter den besten von den neuen Anastasio/Marshall Kompositionen (kennt jemand „Light“? DAS ist ein Song!)
    Aber, ich wiederhol mich gern, es wird besser werden!

    Ach ja, meine Tipps für den opener von Night2:
    Tweezer Reprise oder Axilla.


    RAUSCHEN Akustische Irritationen aus Folk, Jazz & beyond. Jeden 2. und 4. Dienstag, 19 Uhr. Auf Tide 96.0.[/URL]
    #616721  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.02.2009

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    Tweezer Reprise als Opener wäre fantastisch, ich hoffe heute noch auf Run like an Antelope und ein ein paar größere Jams. Und morgen als Krönung gibts dann nen dicken Mike’s Groove :D


    Heute gehts mit Back On The Train los.


    Es ist Breitling, scheiß auf deine Aldi-Uhr / Auf meinem nächstem Cover halt ich das Excalibur
    #616723  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 09.01.2007

    Beiträge: 2,378

    Back on the Train
    Runaway Jim
    Brian & Robert (Eno & Fripp) :lol:
    Split Open and Melt
    Heavy Things
    Punch You In The Eye
    Mexican Cousin
    It’s Ice


    Free Jazz doesn't seem to care about getting paid, it sounds like truth. (Henry Rollins, Jan. 2013)
    #616725  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.02.2009

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    Gumbo! (leider sehr kurz)
    Reba (ohne Pfeifen)
    Mexican Cousin
    It’s Ice
    Halley’s Comet>
    Beauty of a broken heart (von Page McConnell’s Soloalbum)
    Guelah Papyrus
    Lawn Boy


    Es ist Breitling, scheiß auf deine Aldi-Uhr / Auf meinem nächstem Cover halt ich das Excalibur
    #616727  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 09.01.2007

    Beiträge: 2,378

    ShanksGumbo! (leider sehr kurz)
    Reba (ohne Pfeifen)
    Mexican Cousin
    It’s Ice

    Du machst weiter!


    Free Jazz doesn't seem to care about getting paid, it sounds like truth. (Henry Rollins, Jan. 2013)
    #616729  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 09.01.2007

    Beiträge: 2,378

    Hampton Coliseum
    Hampton VA

    Set 1:
    Back on the Train
    Runaway Jim
    Brian & Robert (Eno & Fripp)
    Split Open and Melt
    Heavy Things
    Punch You In The Eye
    Mexican Cousin
    It’s Ice
    Halley’s Comet
    Beauty of a Broken Heart
    Guelah Papyrus
    Lawn Boy
    Run Like An Antelope

    Set 2
    Rock & Roll
    Limb by Limb
    Story of the Ghost
    Birds of a Feather
    Wolfman’s Brother
    Prince Caspian
    Mike’s Song
    I Am Hydrogen
    Weekapaug Groove
    Character Zero

    A Day In The Life


    Free Jazz doesn't seem to care about getting paid, it sounds like truth. (Henry Rollins, Jan. 2013)
    #616731  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 09.01.2007

    Beiträge: 2,378



    Free Jazz doesn't seem to care about getting paid, it sounds like truth. (Henry Rollins, Jan. 2013)
    #616733  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 28.08.2002

    Beiträge: 7,179

    icculus66 :-)

    was heißtn das jetzt, icc? du bist noch 2 Stunden aufgeblieben, um uns einen smilie zu schicken???
    ihr seid wirklich phreaks!

    (Eno & Fripp)

    war dasn gag von Trey?

    wow, das nenne ich eine setlist! gefällt mir persönlich noch besser. Split Open and Melt! Punch You In The Eye! Gumbo! Antelope! Ghost! Wolfmans! Prince Caspian! Yes, yes, yes.
    „Beauty of a Broken Heart“ fand ich noch nie besonders, so wie das ganze Page-Album aber was solls: die Show ist schon up, offenbar nur ein paar Stunden nach dem Ende!,452/Phish-mp3-flac-download-3-7-2009-Hampton-Coliseum-Hampton-VA.html


    RAUSCHEN Akustische Irritationen aus Folk, Jazz & beyond. Jeden 2. und 4. Dienstag, 19 Uhr. Auf Tide 96.0.[/URL]
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