When You Got A Good Friend ***1/2
32-20 Blues ***
Phonograph Blues **1/2
Last Fair Deal Gone Done ***
Stop Breakin‘ Down Blues ***
Terraplane Blues ***
Walkin‘ Blues **1/2
Love In Vain Blues ***1/2
Ramblin‘ On My Mind ***
Stones In My Passway **1/2
Me And The Devil Blues **1/2
Honeymoon Blues **1/2
Kind Hearted Woman Blues **1/2
I Believe I’ll Dust My Broom **1/2
If I Had Possession Over Judgment Day ***1/2
Sweet Home Chicago ***
Gesamtwertung: *** (2,88) (2,90 z)
Platz 13 im Peter Green-Alben-Ranking
There is a green hill far away I'm going back there one fine day.
I am free because I am the soul bird