Pearl Jam

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  • #499453  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 21.10.2003

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    Ich fürchte vor nächstes Jahr werden PJ wohl nicht nach Europa kommen.Aber folgende Interviews mit Stone Gossard und Jeff Ament lassen wenigstens auf ein interessantes und gutes album hoffen.
    Das Interview mit Stone kommt aus denm US- RS.

    Before they join the Rolling Stones on stage September 28th in Pittsburgh, Pearl Jam plan to complete their eighth studio album. The Seattle rockers are now hoping for a fall release on J Records.
    „There’s a sense that we’ve done something special,“ says guitarist Stone Gossard of the sessions. „Everyone’s been writing and participating in it . . . Asking a guy in the band how good the record is problematic, but to me it’s freaking brilliant.“

    Pearl Jam — Gossard, singer Eddie Vedder, guitarist Mike McCready, bassist Jeff Ament and drummer Matt Cameron — have twenty-five songs that they plan to cut down to about twelve. Potential tracks include „Severed Hand,“ „Worldwide Suicide,“ „2×4,“ „Marker“ and „Cold Concession.“

    According to Gossard, after almost fifteen years together, the band is closer than ever. „You realize how important your relationship is with your band, and how much you’ve learned from each other,“ he says. „You just become humbled and thankful.“

    The band returned to its humble roots on April 29th to perform for approximately 200 people at Easy Street Records in West Seattle. „Mike and I used to buy a lot of rock records from Easy Street back in the mid-Eighties,“ says Gossard of the show, which was part of a Coalition of Independent Music Stores convention. „We wanted to tip our hat to independent retailers: We’re all aware of how important they are to the spirit of rock.“

    The show included the punky new song „Crapshoot,“ Pearl Jam oldies such as „Even Flow“ and Vedder dueting with X singer John Doe on his band’s „The New World.“

    „It’s the biggest honor that my store has ever had,“ says Easy Street owner Matt Vaughan. „As ridiculous as it seems that Pearl Jam would do an in-store, given that we’re their neighborhood store it’s a natural fit.“

    Highlights von
    #499455  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 21.10.2003

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    Und hier noch das Interview mit Jeff Ament


    It’s hard to imagine Pearl Jam — who have sold more than 35 million albums in the U.S. alone — playing an in-store for 200 people. But that’s exactly what the group did on April 29 at Seattle’s Easy Street Records.

    Playing the quick gig provided the hoops-loving lads a brief respite from the recording studio. Bassist Jeff Ament says the band’s eighth studio album, which frontman Eddie Vedder hasn’t gotten around to naming yet, is about halfway finished and could see release this fall „if we can finish [it] in June.“ Ament says they’ve been working on the material — the first new batch of Pearl Jam songs since 2002’s Riot Act — in „three separate three-week chunks“ since February with producer Adam Kasper (Queens of the Stone Age, Foo Fighters).

    The long recording lull hasn’t hurt Pearl Jam, Ament said, because playing with the band is „kind of like riding a bike at this point.“ In fact, for the first time since the sessions for 1993’s Vs., the always-behatted bassist said Pearl Jam have been collaborating on the material, rather than coming into the process with the songs already written.

    „We came together kind of with the idea of not bringing any complete songs initially, and just coming in with riffs and trying to write a bunch of stuff together,“ Ament explained. „We probably ended up writing 10 things as a band, like full-on collaborations with everybody in the room. It feels great. The collaborated songs somehow, to me, feel better — I think just because everybody had a little say, and everybody kind of got a little piece of their personality in it. It makes us feel like a band.“

    Which, Ament admits, had become something of a problem for Pearl Jam. But, like any relationship, the situation has improved as the band members — Ament, Vedder, drummer Matt Cameron and guitarists Stone Gossard and Mike McCready — have worked at improving it.

    „In the last few years, we’ve learned how to communicate with each other better. And in the process, we’ve learned to trust one another and become friends,“ Ament said. „It’s a great thing to be able to just go into a room with four other guys and be able to make music easily. It’s typically easier to make music with one or two other people, or if you’re playing in a situation where there’s a real bandleader or single songwriter who’s coming in with all the ideas and you just play. But I think in making a real band work, it feels like we kind of got through that rough patch, and it’s that tired analogy of getting married and having the honeymoon and then going through the rough patch, and then going to therapy and coming out of it feeling you know each other better than ever. And the sex is better than ever! It feels a little like that.

    „It’s the classic thing: learning how to speak so that the other person or people listen, and on the other end of that, learning how to listen. It’s pretty powerful stuff when you break through,“ he continued. „It’s like you can’t believe you’ve been missing that part of that person for that long when you finally understand the language that they’re speaking. And then it makes it easier. You can be there when the person needs you, and you start to understand the way people react to things, and it makes it a lot easier to be in a band and run a business. Consequently, it makes it easier to be friends.“

    So far, the band’s written a total of 25 songs, but the final track listing will have around a dozen songs — and the decision about which tracks make the final cut largely rests with „Ed, because he’s writing 95 percent of the lyrics,“ Ament said. But the bassist did reveal some potential song names: „Marker,“ „Crapshoot Rapture,“ „Worldwide Suicide,“ „Cold Concession,“ „2X4“ and „Severed Hand.“

    Ament singled out two other tracks as his current favorites. „One is called ‚Of the Earth,‘ that’s a song Ed wrote that is kind of a cross between early Peter Gabriel/ Genesis and Sleater-Kinney with, like, the Who’s Live at Leeds or something. There’s also a song that Stone brought in that Ed wrote some great lyrics to [a song] called ‚Parachutes.‘ That’s probably one of my favorite pieces of music that Stone has written in a long time. It’s got a beautiful melody.“

    As for the focus of Vedder’s lyrical direction, or whether the album would convey any specific themes, Ament wasn’t so sure.

    „There’s some imagery that makes me think that he’s talking about the state of the union, but he’s so good with words that sometimes I think it could actually end up being about a friend of his or a relationship that he’s witnessed,“ he said. „He’s so sensitive to so many different things that he can pull things out of some pretty interesting places and combine them with politics or religion or whatever. I think there’s a lot of nature involved in the stuff — that’s the thing that I relate to the most, the imagery around nature and wanting to keep it intact.“

    Ament says it’s likely the band will launch a U.S. tour after the album is released through PJ’s new home, J Records, in the fall. But at this stage, it’s still too early to tell when Pearl Jam might turn this latest opus in. The band has lined up a 15-city Canadian tour, which is set to begin on September 2 in Vancouver, British Columbia, and run through September 24 in St. John’s, Newfoundland. And there’s also that little gig they’ll be playing on September 28 in Pittsburgh, opening for the Rolling Stones (see „Black Eyed Peas, Maroon 5, Pearl Jam Join Rolling Stones Tour“).

    „It could be their last tour, and they treated us really great the last time we played with them,“ Ament said. „I think Mike and Stone are really huge fans, so it makes it especially fun to watch those guys when they’re hanging out with Keith and Ronnie.“

    Sorry ist ein bisschen viel geworden ,aber ich finde die Interviews sind sehr schön zu lesen.Zu meinen Lieblingskonzerten gehört u.a auch Benaroya Hall 03 und New York 2003(erster Abend).

    #499457  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 31.10.2002

    Beiträge: 1,212

    Ja welche Polen-CD meint ihr denn jetzt ? In Kattowitz haben sie schließlich 2mal hintereinander gespielt. Nacht 1 oder 2 ?

    Bei mir liegt ne alte CD ganz vorne…Soldier Field 95. Gibts zwar net offiziell aber rockt definitiv wie die oft zitierte Sau


    #499459  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 21.10.2003

    Beiträge: 1,177

    Auf unter Audio/Visuel kann man sich das PJ Konzert in einem Indieladen(Easy street Records -29.4.2005) in Seattle runterladen.Dafür benötigt man aber ein BitTorrent Programm wie z.b Azuerus.Die Qualtität ist ok und die Band rockt wie Hölle.:)

    #499461  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 16.09.2004

    Beiträge: 40

    was eigtl nun mit den gerüchten um ein neues pearl jam album? hört man auch nix mehr von!


    #499463  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 01.01.1970

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    Und Deutschlandtour….


    #499465  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 16.09.2004

    Beiträge: 40

    son scheiß……


    #499467  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 02.08.2004

    Beiträge: 2,414

    Wird echt Zeit, daß PJ wieder mal zu Besuch kommen. Habe gestern Audioslave live gesehen und Chris Cornell hat All Night Thing akustisch zum Besten gegeben. Also ein bißchen Pearl Jam. :lol:


    #499469  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 31.10.2002

    Beiträge: 1,212

    azathothwas eigtl nun mit den gerüchten um ein neues pearl jam album? hört man auch nix mehr von!

    Album kommt im September


    #499471  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 16.09.2004

    Beiträge: 40

    ist das nun auch wieder so ein gerücht?


    #499473  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 31.10.2002

    Beiträge: 1,212

    Das ist der von der Band angepeilte Releasemonat. Kein gerücht sondern in mehrern Interviews bestätigt. Jetzt kanns aber natürlich trotzdem zu Verzögerungen kommen…aber rechne mit september


    #499475  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 16.09.2004

    Beiträge: 40

    cool! Dann freu ich mich mal drauf! Hoffe des Album wird so nach dem „Man of the Hour“!


    #499477  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 22.08.2004

    Beiträge: 318

    Justin CognitoAlbum kommt im September

    …ich bin einfach nur glücklich….


    #499479  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 15.06.2005

    Beiträge: 13,392

    welches pearl jam album würdet ihr jemandem empfehlen, der nur „ten“ besitzt, dies aber grandios findet und gerne mehr kennenlernen würde?


    Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to exit the donut!
    #499481  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 10.03.2005

    Beiträge: 878

    VS. und NO CODE


    It's all wrong, it's all right
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