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der dauerdeppressive Trent…… „hurt“
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WerbungSo deperessiv finde ich ihn im Moment nicht…
stimmtalle musiker werden älter
in Berlin kam er plötzlich an, mit „Kommissar“ nachdem das konzert schon beendet war
sosehr vertut er sich mittlerweile schon
er dachte Berlin wäre Wien--
Habe gerade diesen Thread entdeckt und muss gleich mal Schleichwerbung für meine Seite machen:Gerade mal gestöbert: Schöne Seite, viele Infos, grade wegen der Presseschau empfehlenswert! Hoffe mal, dass sich da kein Verlag irgendwann beschwert.
I like to move it, move it Ya like to (move it)Hallooooooooooooo Grannie!
Bring mal ein bisschen Schwung in den Thread hier, ich hab’s ja fast schon aufgegeben ;)
@ allman
Witz komm raus, du bist umzingelt…--
Sonic JuiceGerade mal gestöbert: Schöne Seite, viele Infos, grade wegen der Presseschau empfehlenswert! Hoffe mal, dass sich da kein Verlag irgendwann beschwert.
Na, das hoffe ich auch. Würde aber auch nicht verstehen warum die das machen sollte… ist vieles (inzwischen schwer zu findendes) Material dabei, das eher sowas wie Schleichwerbung ist… naja, mal abwarten. Danke fürs Lob! Hab übrigens heute das neue Design gestartet und irgendwie geht mein Gästebuch nicht mehr… wäre schön wenn sich neue Beiträge ansammeln würden – wenn es denn irgendwann wieder geht.
@Mongolom: Ich tu mein Bestes, sehe aber eher schwarz… ;)
Das ist das letzte, was ich lesen wollte:
“October 1st at the hollywood bowl was the last show that i will play with nine inch nails.
contrary to many published reports in the music press, i want to make it clear that my departure from the band has absolutely NOTHING to do with my health. i’ve learned much about myself and those around me (particularly in the last month) and it’s brought about many positive changes. my association with the organization has opened many doors- i’m grateful and i’m ready to move on.
although i appreciate the concern, i am not sick or recouperating. i feel great (physically and otherwise) and am playing the best drums of my life right now. more later………….jerome.Da fängt das Wochenende doch gut an…
Was meint er denn mit „organization“?
I like to move it, move it Ya like to (move it)Das frag ich mich auch. Wenn er die Band meint, muss es bei der Bezeichnung mal wieder arg gerumpelt haben (kann olle Trent ja gut). Ansonsten wär’s ja fast schon Anlass zur Sorge… Zeugen Jehovas? Scientology? RKK?? Bei Künstlern weiss man ja nie… :krank:
Mongolom Scientology?
Das war auch mein spontaner erster Gedanke. Hoffentlich nicht.
I like to move it, move it Ya like to (move it)Jetzt hat Trent sich endlich auch über das Drama an den Drums geäussert, gestern im Spiral-Chat:
mkivett: Can you please clarify the situation with Jerome Dillon in regards to the conflicting reports we’ve been hearing?
trent_reznor: Here’s the truth: regardless of what he apparently now wants you to believe, we cancelled several shows due to his heart. He told me „I have a clean bill of health“ and shortly thereafter he spent the night again in the hospital. We auditioned drummers to complete the tour – with full disclosure to Jerome. He reacted poorly to us finding someone and choosing to finish this current leg of the tour with that person. Tempers flared and the decision to permanently replace him was made – by everyone in the band and management. Jerome is a great drummer and I truly wish him well – sometimes he just seems to get his facts a little mixed up.
Und als kleiner Nachschlag in einem Thread über die Inhalte des Chats:
trent_reznor: „Next, I’ve seen a lot of you get all worked up taking sides and whatnot over the Jerome situation. Guess what? It’s none of your fucking business. You don’t know Jerome, you don’t know me and you sure as fuck don’t know what’s been going on. And while I’m at it… it really doesn’t matter what gets done for you people – there’s always someone bitching and bitching about one thing or another.
Flame away, internet whiners.“Da hat aber einer gute Laune…
trent_reznor: „Guess what? It’s none of your fucking business. You don’t know Jerome, you don’t know me and you sure as fuck don’t know what’s been going on. And while I’m at it… it really doesn’t matter what gets done for you people – there’s always someone bitching and bitching about one thing or another. Flame away, internet whiners.“Naja, wo er recht hat, hat er recht. „Flame away, internet whiners“ wäre übrigens eine schöne Signatur! Vielleicht eigene ich mir die mal gleich an.:-)
I like to move it, move it Ya like to (move it)Und jetzt nochmal Jerome in aller Ausführlichkeit zum Thema:
Q: Let’s start right off the bat with your departure from Nine Inch Nails. What do you want to say about what went on there?
A: Well, number one, it’s been fairly documented recently that I had some health issues that kind of stalled the momentum of the tour. To be totally honest with you, I still have a lot of guilt over the three shows that were cancelled due to my issues. But, these were definitely things that were beyond my control. It absolutely did look like there was something seriously wrong with me there for a minute. Anyone that has ever worked with Trent or knows the Nine Inch Nails organization knows that shows do not get cancelled unless it is something serious or could potentially be something serious. The show has to go on.
So, that said, it did not end up being anything serious. Lucky for me, it turned out to be an easily treatable condition that was addressed and diagnosed. Actually it took a little while to diagnose it, but as it turned out it wasn’t anything that could end my career. The drag about it was that it took three cardiologists, three separate doctors/specialists, to find what exactly what was going on, which is why more than one show was cancelled. Let me tell you firsthand, it’s embarrassing when everyone around you thinks you’re dying. Anyway, I returned to L.A., saw a specialist, got diagnosed, started medication and played one of the best shows of my life at the Hollywood Bowl forty-eight hours later. Josh Freese was brought in to cover a couple of shows and I was going to rejoin the tour in a few weeks. I was given complete documentation from two specialists stating that I was treated and could immediately return to work. Obviously, that’s not what happened.
What did end up happening was I came back to L.A. and started gathering myself because it was a pretty scary time. I had never had anything like that happen before and I (and everyone around me) was stressing out like a motherfucker. I don’t really want to get into specifics but it was definitely time for me to make my exit at that point. It really had nothing to do with my health because I was and am feeling great. But it had a lot more to do with the fact that emotions were running very high and there was a lot of stalled momentum. The band was under the gun because we had just gotten to a point where we were gelling musically and really starting to sound good. And those guys immediately had to switch gears and get into trying to find a replacement, first of all, and then work a replacement in. I know they had to work really hard to do that and I know there was a lot of stress that was caused as a result of my absence. I feel shitty about that but it really wasn’t anything that I could control. I think all of that kind of built up and it was obvious to me that I didn’t fit in anymore. I just had a completely different outlook on things. No big deal. The most important thing is that I’m healthy and that I can continue to do what I love and what I’m really good at.
As a result, a lot of positive things came out of it. Many things that would not have happened to me, had I been still on the road with Nine Inch Nails, have happened since I’ve been home. So as negative of a situation as it was, some positive things did come out of it. As bad of a situation as it was with my health and thinking that there was something seriously wrong when there wasn’t…all of that stuff led to other things that are happening right now. And obviously, I wouldn’t be doing this interview with you now if it wasn’t for the fact that I was in Nine Inch Nails for the better part of six years. I’m incredibly appreciative for all the doors it has opened for me, and the things that have happened to me during the course of that time.
na, endlich weiß man bescheid. hab eh nich geglaubt das er drogen nimmt.
Schlagwörter: Atticus Ross, Elektro, How To Destroy Angels, Industrial, Nine Inch Nails, Saul Williams, Trent Reznor
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