Startseite › Foren › Fave Raves: Die definitiven Listen › „Sterne an“ – das nüchterne Bewertungsforum › Track by Track: Alben unter der Lupe › Morrissey – You Are The Quarry
1. America Is Not The World ****
2. Irish Blood, English Heart ****1/2
3. I Have Forgiven Jesus ****1/2
4. Come Back To Camden **** 1/2
5. I’m Not Sorry ****
6. The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores ****1/2
7. How Can Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel? **** 1/2
8. First Of The Gang To Die **** 1/2
9. Let Me Kiss You *** 1/2
10. All The Lazy Dykes ****
11. I Like You *** 1/2
12. You Know I Couldn’t Last ****Insgesamt: **** 1/2
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1. America Is Not The World ****1/2
2. Irish Blood, English Heart ****1/2
3. I Have Forgiven Jesus *****
4. Come Back To Camden *****
5. I’m Not Sorry ****
6. The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores *****
7. How Could Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel ***1/2
8. First Of The Gang To Die *****
9. Let Me Kiss You ****1/2
10. All The Lazy Dykes ****
11. I Like You ****
12. You Know I Couldn’t Last ****Insgesamt: ****1/2, für mich die beste Platte 2004.
Es gibt 2 Arten von Menschen: Die einen haben geladene Revolver, die anderen buddeln.Update:
1. America Is Not The World ****
2. Irish Blood, English Heart ****1/2
3. I Have Forgiven Jesus *****
4. Come Back To Camden *****
5. I’m Not Sorry ****
6. The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores *****
7. How Can Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel? **** 1/2
8. First Of The Gang To Die **** 1/2
9. Let Me Kiss You *** 1/2
10. All The Lazy Dykes ****
11. I Like You *** 1/2
12. You Know I Couldn’t Last ****Es bleibt insgesamt bei **** 1/2 (bestes Soloalbum des Mozzers, knapp vor „Vauxhall & I“).
That's not the electric light, my friend, that is your vision growing dim.Mozza geizt nicht mit Sternen:
1. America Is Not The World ***1/2
2. Irish Blood, English Heart ****
3. I Have Forgiven Jesus *****
4. Come Back To Camden ****1/2
5. I’m Not Sorry *****
6. The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores *****
7. How Could Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel? *****
8. The First Of The Gang To Die *****
9. Let Me Kiss You *****
10. All The Lazy Dykes ****1/2
11. I Like You ****1/2
12. You Know I Couldn’t Last *****Alles in allem ein ***** Album!
Im Durchschnitt ist man kummervoll und weiß nicht, was man machen soll1. America Is Not The World ****
2. Irish Blood, English Heart ****
3. I Have Forgiven Jesus ****
4. Come Back To Camden *****
5. I’m Not Sorry ***
6. The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores ***
7. How Could Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel ****
8. First Of The Gang To Die ****1/2
9. Let Me Kiss You ****
10. All The Lazy Dykes ***1/2
11. I Like You ****
12. You Know I Couldn’t Last ****Insgesamt ****, feines Teil.
If I'd lived my life by what others were thinkin', the heart inside me would've died.[/FONT] [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]1. America Is Not The World ****
2. Irish Blood, English Heart **1/2
3. I Have Forgiven Jesus *****
4. Come Back To Camden *****(There is something I wanted to tell you, It’s so funny you’ll kill yourself laughing
But then I, I look around, And I remember that I am alone, Alone. For evermore) Klasse!
5. I’m Not Sorry ****1/2(The woman of my dreams, She, She never came along
The woman of my dreams, Well, There never was one)
6. The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores ****
7. How Could Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel ****
8. First Of The Gang To Die ****1/2
9. Let Me Kiss You ***1/2
10. All The Lazy Dykes ***
11. I Like You ***
12. You Know I Couldn’t Last ***1/2--
1. America Is Not The World ***
2. Irish Blood, English Heart ****
3. I Have Forgiven Jesus ***
4. Come Back To Camden ****1/2
5. I’m Not Sorry ***
6. The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores ***1/2
7. How Could Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel? ***
8. The First Of The Gang To Die ***1/2
9. Let Me Kiss You ***
10. All The Lazy Dykes ***
11. I Like You ***1/2
12. You Know I Couldn’t Last ***1/2Einiges doch eher durchschnittlich, und dann ist da noch Morrissey-typisch dieser etwas selbsmitleidige Grundton.
Insgesamt ***1/2.--
There is a crack in everything; that's how the light gets in. (Leonard Cohen)Ah Um1. America Is Not The World ***
2. Irish Blood, English Heart ****
3. I Have Forgiven Jesus ***
4. Come Back To Camden ****1/2
5. I’m Not Sorry ***
6. The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores ***1/2
7. How Could Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel? ***
8. The First Of The Gang To Die ***1/2
9. Let Me Kiss You ***
10. All The Lazy Dykes ***
11. I Like You ***1/2
12. You Know I Couldn’t Last ***1/2Einiges doch eher durchschnittlich, und dann ist da noch Morrissey-typisch dieser etwas selbsmitleidige Grundton.
Insgesamt ***1/2.Auf den selbstmitleidigen Grundton kommt es beim Mozzer ja gerade an.
Im Durchschnitt ist man kummervoll und weiß nicht, was man machen soll1. America Is Not The World ***1/2
2. Irish Blood, English Heart ****1/2
3. I Have Forgiven Jesus *****
4. Come Back To Camden *****
5. I’m Not Sorry ****1/2
6. The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores ****
7. How Could Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel? ***1/2
8. The First Of The Gang To Die *****
9. Let Me Kiss You ****
10. All The Lazy Dykes ***1/2
11. I Like You ****
12. You Know I Couldn’t Last ***1/2--
America Is Not The World ****
Irish Blood, English Heart ****1/2
I Have Forgiven Jesus *****
Come Back To Camden *****
I’m Not Sorry ****
The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores *****
How Could Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel? ****1/2
First Of The Gang To Die ****1/2
Let Me Kiss You ***1/2
All The Lazy Dykes ***1/2
I Like You ****
You Know I Couldn’t Last ****insg.: ****1/2
Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to exit the donut!1. America Is Not The World ***1/2
2. Irish Blood, English Heart *****
3. I Have Forgiven Jesus ****1/2
4. Come Back To Camden ****1/2
5. I’m Not Sorry ***1/2
6. The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores *****
7. How Could Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel? ***1/2
8. The First Of The Gang To Die *****
9. Let Me Kiss You ****
10. All The Lazy Dykes ***1/2
11. I Like You ****
12. You Know I Couldn’t Last ****Wenn die Musik durchhängt, reissen es die Texte irgendwie wieder raus. Einer der wenigen bei denen ich tatsächlich auf Texte achte.
?1. America Is Not The World ****
2. Irish Blood, English Heart *****
3. I Have Forgiven Jesus ****
4. Come Back To Camden *****
5. I’m Not Sorry ****
6. The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores ****1/2
7. How Could Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel? *****
8. The First Of The Gang To Die *****
9. Let Me Kiss You ***1/2
10. All The Lazy Dykes ****
11. I Like You ****
12. You Know I Couldn’t Last ****--
1. America Is Not The World ***
2. Irish Blood, English Heart *****
3. I Have Forgiven Jesus *****
4. Come Back To Camden *** 1/2
5. I’m Not Sorry ****
6. The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores ***
7. How Could Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel? ***
8. The First Of The Gang To Die *****
9. Let Me Kiss You *****
10. All The Lazy Dykes ***
11. I Like You ****
12. You Know I Couldn’t Last ****--
01. America is not the world: *** 1/2
02. Irish blood, english heart: *****
03. I have forgiven Jesus: *****
04. Come back to Camden: ****
05. I’m not sorry: *** 1/2
06. The world is full of crashing bores: **** 1/2
Side A
1. America Is Not The World * * * *
2. Irish Blood, English Heart * * * * 1/2
3. I Have Forgiven Jesus * * * * *
4. Come Back To Camden * * * * *
5. I’m Not Sorry * * * 1/2
6. The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores * * * *Side B
1. How Could Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel? * * * * *
2. The First Of The Gang To Die * * * * 1/2
3. Let Me Kiss You * * * * 1/2
4. All The Lazy Dykes * * * * 1/2
5. I Like You * * * *
6. You Know I Couldn’t Last * * * ** * * * 1/2
Schlagwörter: Morrissey, You Are The Quarry
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