Die Ben Folds Society – http://www.benfoldssociety.com – hat im Namen aller deutschen Fans eine Gute-Besserungs-Mail an Ben geschickt…und the man hat geantwortet:
mein deutsch ist nicht so gut… sorry. uhh… ich habe ein atomkraftwerk in mein zimmer? what does this mean? why do i remember that from german class? what is scheisse im simmel? will someone teach me to spell?
the real reason i could not perform in germany this time was because i haven't learned to speak german fluently yet. and that also explains why i couldn't play the UK. my english is also shit.
i'm feeling somewhat better now. thanks for the kind letter. i can't believe it's been five years since i played germany. i'm going to take it easy for the next couple of weeks and completely recover and after this i will stop sleeping under a tree in my underwear in the snow. thank you for keeping my little career alive in germany. i had no idea that any more than 40 people still knew my music there. i'll see you in june.