Laura Veirs – The Lookout

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  • #10389433  | PERMALINK

    Gang of One

    Registriert seit: 03.11.2004

    Beiträge: 5,644

    Erscheint am 13.04.18 via Bella Union.


    „Produced by Grammy-nominated Tucker Martine, Veirs’ longtime collaborator, The Lookout is a soundtrack for turbulent times, full of allusions to protectors: the camper stoking a watch fire, a mother tending her children, a sailor in a crows nest and a lightning rod channelling energy. (…) “The Lookout is about the need to pay attention to the fleeting beauty of life and to not be complacent; it’s about the importance of looking out for each other,” says Veirs. “I’m addressing what’s happening around me with the chaos of post-election America, the racial divides in our country, and a personal reckoning with the realities of midlife: I have friends who’ve died; I struggle with how to balance life as an artist with parenting young children.”

    Written and produced on the heels of Veirs’ acclaimed album with Neko Case and k.d. Lang (case/lang/veirs), The Lookout integrates the fluency of collaboration with Veirs’ notorious work ethic. The twelve songs on the album are the result of a years’ worth of daily writing in her attic studio in Portland, Oregon.

    “Twenty years ago when I was just starting out with my punk band, it never occurred to me to write five versions of a song,” says Veirs. “I’ve learned to see how malleable lyrics and melodies can be. I have more tools as a musician so I write many versions of songs until I find the right fit.” Such range is demonstrated on the operatic vocals of “The Meadow” and the intricate finger picking on “Watch Fire.” “The Lookout,” the album’s title track, is an ecstatic anthem to trusted relationships.

    The Lookout draws on the talents of a time-tested crew of musicians: Karl Blau, Steve Moore, Eli Moore, Eyvind Kang and Martine. Says Veirs, “These guys are a good hang, ego-free and wonderful players who just want to serve the songs.” Sufjan Stevens and Jim James provide guest vocals.“

    1. Margaret Sands
    2. Everybody Needs You
    3. Seven Falls
    4. Mountains Of The Moon
    5. Watch Fire
    6. Heavy Petals
    7. The Lookout
    8. The Meadow
    9. The Canyon
    10. Lightning Rod
    11. When It Grows Darkest
    12. Zozobra

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    To Hell with Poverty
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    #10436619  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 10.07.2002

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    Der Name Laura Veirs ist mir in den letzten 20 Jahren auch immer wieder mal begegnet, ohne dass ich je etwas bewusst von ihr gehört hatte. Am Wochenende habe ich mir dann mal 2 ihrer bisherigen Alben angehört (Carbon Glacier und Warp And Weft) und fand beide ziemlich gut. Eigentlich genau mein Ding.

    Die beiden neuen Tracks sind auch toll, Everybody Needs You noch ein bisschen mehr. Da werde ich dann wohl mal dranbleiben müssen.


    Wann kommt Horst Lichter mit dem Händlerkärtchen und knallt mich ab?
    #10444565  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 10.07.2002

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    neuer Track: Lightning Rod


    Wann kommt Horst Lichter mit dem Händlerkärtchen und knallt mich ab?
    #10474975  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 10.07.2002

    Beiträge: 36,854

    Video zu Zozobra:


    Wann kommt Horst Lichter mit dem Händlerkärtchen und knallt mich ab?
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