Jason Molina (Songs: Ohia | Magnolia Electric Co.)

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  • #931021  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 07.02.2010

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    Mr.SoulDas beste Album aller Zeiten bekommt ein Deluxe-Reissue. (Quelle: Secretly Canadian)

    Wow, großartige Neuigkeiten! Es gibt augenscheinlich ein fantastisches Deluxe-RI und Mr.Soul weiß, welches das ultimative Molina Album ist. 2 x bravo!


    Highlights von Rolling-Stone.de
    #931023  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 16.07.2002

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    Jason Molina’s Long Dark Blues


    "i tell all my friends that i'm bound for heaven, and if it ain't so you can't blame me for living" Thank You, Jason!
    #931025  | PERMALINK

    so little gets done

    Registriert seit: 22.06.2005

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    Mr.SoulJason Molina’s Long Dark Blues

    Danke, der Artikel wäre sonst an mir vorbei gegangen.
    Das ist schon harter Stoff, Molinas Leben und seinen langjährigen Absturz in die Alkoholsucht so detailliert nachzulesen.
    Ich muss gleich mal wieder „Sojourner“ auflegen.


    so little is fun
    #931027  | PERMALINK

    No pretty face

    Registriert seit: 04.05.2003

    Beiträge: 37,711

    Ja, prima Artikel, danke! So etwas könnte doch auch mal im RS stehen.


    If you talk bad about country music, it's like saying bad things about my momma. Them's fightin' words.
    #931029  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 16.07.2002

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    [B]The Making of Songs: Ohia’s ‚Didn’t It Rain‘


    "i tell all my friends that i'm bound for heaven, and if it ain't so you can't blame me for living" Thank You, Jason!
    #931031  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 16.07.2002

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    V.A. – Through The Static And Distance – The Songs Of Jason Molina

    Ich habe die Befürchtung, dass die Platte hierzulande schwer erhältlich sein wird.

    Wer also mit dem Gedanken spielt, auf der Homepage die Doppel-LP zu kaufen, würde mir eine Freude machen, ein Exemplar für mich mitzubestellen.


    "i tell all my friends that i'm bound for heaven, and if it ain't so you can't blame me for living" Thank You, Jason!
    #931033  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 02.10.2009

    Beiträge: 1,398


    Secretly Canadian has posted „September 11“, a previously unreleased song recorded on September 11, 2001 by the late Jason Molina with Will Oldham, Alasdair Roberts, and Oldham’s brother, Paul.

    On the label’s website, Roberts has written a short note about how the song was made. „It was a spontaneous response from Jason’s soul to the unimaginably terrible events of that day,“ he writes.

    „The late Jason Molina and I had met a few times in England (when Jason was studying for a period in London) and in Scotland (Glasgow, where I lived then as now), after being introduced to one another by Will Oldham in late 1995. The recording session by Jason, Will, Will’s brother Paul and me was Jason’s idea originally. The prospect of working together with these musicians whose work I admired, and who were also cool people, was very exciting; so that’s how I found myself in Paul’s Kentucky farmhouse that historic weekend in 2001.

    Of course, what made that weekend historic was certainly not this humble meeting of musical minds; rather, it was the fact that it coincided with the unanticipated and awful events of the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks and the collapse of the World Trade Center. I am convinced that my memory of that period has been heightened by this coincidence; I have a strong recollection of Jason, Will, Paul and me recording on the evening of 10th September. I remember the warm southern evening sunshine (a particular delight for one accustomed to Scottish autumn weather), streaming through the window and infusing everything in the room with a kind of preternatural glow, as we recorded a version of Owen Hand’s wonderful song ‘My Donal.’ Will was playing a Nord synth and singing, Paul was on drums, Jason played bass guitar and I was playing Paul’s bright blue Telecaster. I remember walking by the barns that evening and seeing row upon row of tobacco drying, shining golden and lovely in the twilight. But none of us was to know that that would be, in some sense, the last twilight of an old world.

    Jason woke me at about 10am the following morning with the words: ‘Ali, you should come downstairs. Something really bad is happening.’ My initial thought was that perhaps someone in the household had been injured or had fallen seriously ill. And so I went downstairs to confront the new global reality. Most of the rest of the day was spent watching the television news in numbed disbelief; in the evening we dined and talked together with some other members of the Oldham family. And then it seemed that the only thing to do was to carry on as normal – to pour ourselves a large Highland Park each and to make rock and roll, like we were born to do. So that’s how this piece of music came about – it was a spontaneous response from Jason’s soul to the unimaginably terrible events of that day, and it was one in which he invited Will (on piano), Paul (on Nord synth), me (on bowed mountain dulcimer) and every listener to cast their own offering.

    September 11


    #931035  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 16.07.2002

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    "i tell all my friends that i'm bound for heaven, and if it ain't so you can't blame me for living" Thank You, Jason!
    #931037  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.07.2007

    Beiträge: 31,445

    Ja, das zieht einem den Hals zu und weitet die Augen. Absolut wundervoll.


    Hold on Magnolia to that great highway moon
    #931039  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 05.08.2010

    Beiträge: 10,342

    IrrlichtAbsolut wundervoll.



    l'enfer c'est les autres...
    #931041  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 16.07.2002

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    Geln Hansard Tribute EP:

    Glen Hansard, the Swell Season/Frames/Once singer/songwriter, has announced a tribute EP on which he’ll perform songs written by his late friend Jason Molina. It Was Triumph We Once Proposed…Songs of Jason Molina is out March 17 on Overcoat Recordings. All profits will be donated to charity in Molina’s honor. Listen to Hansard’s version of Songs: Ohia’s „Being in Love“ above. „Jason Molina was a hero and a friend,“ wrote Hansard in a statement. „I wrote him my first fan letter, I always loved his music and singing these songs is the only way to make sense of losing him.“

    It Was Triumph We Once Proposed…Songs of Jason Molina:

    01 Being in Love
    02 Hold On, Magnolia
    03 Farewell Transmission
    04 Vanquisher
    05 White Sulfer

    Quelle: pitchfork.com


    "i tell all my friends that i'm bound for heaven, and if it ain't so you can't blame me for living" Thank You, Jason!
    #10641463  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 10.09.2003

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    Hat sich jemand „Love & Work: The Lioness Sessions“ geholt und kann etwas zur Aufmachung sagen?


    Hey man, why don't we make a tune... just playin' the melody, not play the solos...
    #11246327  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 23.05.2010

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